My 1 yr old has recently been skipping her morning nap. I've read the advice in the FAQ's on doing it well but for the last 2 days my daughter has thrown an absolute screaming fit at nap time (first time she's thrown tantrums) and I''d love to nip it in the bud if not just to stop the headache it gives me!!
She was doing..
up & milk - 7am
E - 8 am
A - 8.15
S - 9.30 (getting progressively later)
A - 10.15/30 (")
E - 11 (snack)
A - 11.15
E - 12.30
A - 1pm
S - 2
E - 4 (snack)
A - 4.15
E - 6 (supper)
A - 6.30
S - 7.30
This has been thrown off kilter with a recent bad illness but also she's begun to play instead of sleep during the morning nap, so the last 2 days I've put her down at 12 (she got up at 8 both days, having skipped naps at the weekend too) and again she's played but then, as I said, begun to throw an absolute fit, proper screaming and everything. Yesterday it went on for 40 mins or so, I was attempting to do PD and in the end I whispered in her ear and she conked out. Today I did PD successfully and she got to sleep herself after 10/15 mins or so.
Another factor I'm concerned about is that I successfully used PD to wean her off cuddling to sleep just over 2 months ago but hadn't managed to leave the room before a string of teething and illness kicked in so she's still (I think) dependant on me being in the room and I think now that she's that bit older I'm more of a distraction than a help but she kicks off if I try and leave her. Her cot is (and has to be) close to the door so gradual leaving is not really poss and so I'm not sure how to do it, especially now! (I did post this in 'props' yesterday but no response yet).
I'm acutely aware that the poor thing is tired a lot of the time at the moment but I cannot seem to get her timing right at all.
Would LOVE some advice!!!!