I'm desperate here for advice. Sitting here crying my sleep-deprived little eyes out as I write.
The story goes like this.....
5 month old touchy baby girl. She is over 19 lbs and in the 100th percentile for her age....so she's big! Naps beautifully during the day with no issue. The problem comes at 7pm and a light switch is turned on. She fights night sleep sometimes waking as much as 7 times! I am exhausted. Here's her 4 hour EASY routine.
7am BF
A: for 1.45 to 2 hrs (she gets OT by 2 hrs most times and SCREAMS if I don't catch her tired cues)
S: for 1.5-2 hrs
BF somewhere between 10:30 or 11
A: easier time being A for 2 hrs, but again, a small window of opportunity until she is OT so I watch her cues like a hawk. Much of the time she can only handle 1.45 A time.
S: 1.5-2 hrs
Between 2-3 pm BF (just depends on if she's slept for the full 2 hrs or not)
A: for 1.5-2 hr depending on her cues
S: cat naps for 1 hr. I've tried shortening this catnap to 30-45 min but she gets OT and I have hell to pay.
E: BF immediately after 1 hour nap. I've tried not doing this feed and by 6 or 6:30 pm she'll be CLAWING at my chest.
A: 1.45-2hr. By the time she has bath & wind down it tends to be closer to the 2 hour mark......and now I'm wondering if she's OT so perhaps should cut that A time down?
E:BF 7 or 7:30pm
S: immediately after BF.
Now this is where the problem therein lies. She goes down beautifully for night but then she is awake somewhere after being asleep for an hour to an hour & a half. Sometimes I can quickly resettle her and she'll go down until about 5 am for a quick pacifier replug.......but 90% of the time she'll be WIDE awake. Like the hour and a bit of sleep was good enough and she's ready to party. However, that 'party' lasts for up to 3 hours of which she'll be SCREAMING from OT. And when she's awake, I mean she is wild. Like completely wild and can't sit still. During those times when she won't resettle and she's been awake for 2+ hours I figure she's worked herself up so much and is hungry by then. So I feed her around 9 or 10 and she settles down for the night (with one waking for a paci replug). This has been going on for WEEKS now, which makes me think it's not a growth spurt. But does she just need those extra calories? And is she seriously hungry after I've fed her at 3pm, 5, 7 and then again at 9 or 10? Seriously? Is she hungry because she's such a big baby? And if I can't resettle her when she wakes after she's slept for an hour and a bit, and then I feed her, will that create a bad habit? Also, I've never done a dreamfeed because it always woke her up too much and I couldn't resettle.
When she has these times of waking, she becomes OT and it carries on into the next day.....which very well may be why she can't stay up for 2 hours without missing that window of opportunity. It's a total cycle. We're all OT here.....me included.
I guess the main things I don't understand and have questions about are:
-why does she wake ONLY at night time after she's slept just over an hour when she doesn't do that for naps? Has this waking become a habit, because it seems to be getting more & more frequent every week?!
-sometimes she gets that feed around 9 or 10pm when she can't resettle.....but sometimes she does resettle without that extra feed. What gives? To feed or not to feed, that is the question. And if I do feed, how long will I have to do that for?!
-how can I get her to go down at 7pm and sleep until 7am, like she *used* to?
-if she is going through a growth spurt, why is this lasting for weeks at a time?
Please help me tweak this. We all need our sleep.