Hi {{{Big Hugs}}}
What age is ur lo? Can u post even roughly what her day looks like?
anna gave u some great advice here,
jus a few more ideas to throw out there...
U mentioned u r back to work, is that a recent change? Did it coincide with bedtimes getting worse?
Do u do baths as part of bedtime routine? I found a nice quite bath with minimal amount of toys to work wonders with my dd.
The putting on nappy thing is it just at bedtime or is she fighting it during the day as well? I wonder if this could be a separate issue?
Keep up with the wi/wo.
I hope I don't offend u with this next thought but could it be that u came to half expect the bedtime madness and approach the situation with anxiety and stressed before it even begins? I know from my own experience that when we hit rough patches with my dd, and we had mealtime/bedtime/naptime problems reoccurring I usually found myself stressed and nervous before it actually happened. But los pick up on it. What I normally do when I find myself in this situation I try to calm myself down, do breathing exersises, whatever works and try to approach the situation more relaxed and in control. Mind u it doesn't improve our problems radically but at least allows me to get through it with minimal stress, and when I am in control of my emotions at least it all goes that little bit smoothly.
Hope this helps