for some reason i can look at someone elses routines and see an area that needs tweaking, i look at my own and im lost so i need some eyes please
ive been getting strange naps, Caleb is tired from about 3hrs+ A time in the mornings, he used to do 4 hours and refused to go down even 15mins earlier! however of course the earlier the nap, the shorter the nap length. we got back up to 4 hours yesterday adn he slept 1 hour 15mins and i thought, hoorah! we are on to something here, the first real decent AM nap we have had in a while, then he does his PM nap about 3.5 hours later.
so today i thought, if i stretch his A time 15mins more then his nap should get longer (thats how it used to work anyway) nope, he slept an hour and 5 mins! its so confusing!!!! and of course was asleep at his PM nap 3 hours later.....
we tried short AM, long PM all last week and that was just disastrous, in fact thats why i thought his A times were so short this week due to getting OT from that, but hes soooo tired in the AM i cant stretch him any longer yet i keep getting these short naps. all in all we are totalling about 1.5 hours sleep in the day and i dont feel its enough for him. I was going to aim for one nap today but there was no way he would make it past 11.15am, he was rubbing his red little eyes at 11am and getting cranky.
his nightsleep is fine, he wakes up pretty happy, getting about 12 hours (he does 11 hours when he has longer naps and i can deal with that because i feel he can handle the whole day better on more daysleep) so i figure after 12 hours he should be able to handle the normal 4 hours A time hes done for months now.
any ideas???