Author Topic: Spirited Babe, great night sleeper, all of a sudden a crappy napper  (Read 867 times)

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Offline Smookies_Mama

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DD turned one on Feb 2nd.
She's just learned to walk in the past two weeks. And she's cutting her first set of molars. Also just got her 1 year shots...mean mama, I know!! :( Poor kid.
All of a sudden (or so it appears) her naps are wonky. It started the day after her shots, and has been about 4 days. So I'm guessing she's in the midst of an OT cycle. I think she's ready to start the 2-1 transition...but I'm wondering if I should get her back on her old schedule, before attempting a new one...??
Our regular routine: She wakes around 7am everyday, and naps (sometimes just babbles the whole time) at 9:30-10:15am. Then she sleeps again at about 1:30-2:45(ish)pm...and goes to bed for the night at about 6:30-6:45pm.
Since she's had all of the above issues going on, she's taking two 45 minute naps in the at 1:30 and one at 4:15pm...just to get her through. Her AM naps are consistently no longer then 50 minutes. But her afternoon naps can vary...the longest one has been 2hrs and 45 minutes....but it's a rarity.
Should I fix the OT issue first and then implement the 2-1 transition? How should I go about it??
Sorry, this post is kinda all over the place!  :-[
Mama to "SMOOKIE" (a handful of Spirit and a pinch of Touchy)
Born 02/02/2009 @ 22:22 weighing 3lb2oz

Offline brenda2

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Re: Spirited Babe, great night sleeper, all of a sudden a crappy napper
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2010, 05:27:42 am »
it could just be the shots and it might correct itself in another few days.

is she at the very high end of sleep needs?  her A times are very low for her age.  i would really push that first nap later, especially if she is still sleeping ok at night.  she's only doing 2.5 hours A time first thing but most los are doing 3 hours A time when they go to 2 naps at about 7 mo, so this is very short.  it should be more like 4 hours, and it has to be 5 hours to make 1 nap work.  so it's time to start increasing her A.  this may be why she's doing a short nap here too, and why sometimes she just babbles, she's not tired enough to take a longer nap.

check out the toddler sleep boards for info on how to transition to 1 nap and the FAQ in naps board "is my lo ready to increase A time"

at 12 mo my dd1 who was also at high end of sleep needs was doing this:
7 awake
10:30-11 nap 1 (woke her up to get a second longer nap)
1-3 nap
7:30 bed



Offline Smookies_Mama

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Re: Spirited Babe, great night sleeper, all of a sudden a crappy napper
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2010, 15:17:31 pm »
She was a month premature...and very low birthweight...hasn't stopped her though. She's a crazy busy kid. I just attributed her need for sleep to her activity level...but maybe that's just it! She's only going to sleep because she's used to it...and only sleeping 45 minutes because she's bored and not really all that tired.
I'm gonna check out those boards now. Thanks!
Hmmm. Lots to think about!
Mama to "SMOOKIE" (a handful of Spirit and a pinch of Touchy)
Born 02/02/2009 @ 22:22 weighing 3lb2oz