If I understand this after my 6th reading of the book and several FAQ and post readings, and 4 weeks worth of desperate attempts to resolve accidental parenting issues, I think maybe I finally understand the lifestyle. However, as I am confused by the many posts and opinions, I'm looking for someone to confirm my understandings of the very most basic principles. I have a 7 month old. She sleeps a good solid 11 to 11.5 hrs a night. I'm just trying to get her to nap because I was really lax about napping and bf'd her to sleep all the time and let her sleep on me.
Is the "E" in EASY is actually the trigger for each 3.5 or 4 or 4.5 hr EASY?
i.e., LO up at 6AM, Eats (bf), then if she's on a 4 hr easy, she bf again at 10 AM, 2PM, 6PM and a dreamfeed at 11PM. Is my understanding correct?
A=activity, and starts after breastfeeding E and ends at S? A does not = Awake. Is that correct?
Solids count as A, not as eating since she's still nursing? Is this correct?
S...does a 2 hour nap INCLUDE the 20 min going to sleep period, or does the S mean only the time she actually spends asleep?
If the S INCLUDES the 20 min falling asleep, then a 1.5 hr nap translates to 1 hr and 10 mins sleep. A 2 hr nap then would actually be 1.5 (ish) hours and would be 2 full sleep cycles. What's my target?