Today I started putting my LO down on his own to go to sleep following a 4 hour EASY. He was awake at 7, so easy to just go ahead and start. We started the nap routine 20 mins before the nap (9:00) and he went to sleep at 9:30 and slept about 30-40 mins. When he woke up, I tried pu/pd but he never went back to sleep. We did that until the 2-hour time for nap lapsed. Again, at the second nap, he did about the same. Slept 30 or 40 minutes and never went back to sleep. I'm still doing pu/pd but I have a feeling he will stay awake again, crying back and forth til 3. Will the naps get any longer you think?
With my first LO, she seemed much easier to leave rather than trying to sit with her. She cried more when I was around so eventually, I just left her and she would go to sleep. I'm wondering if I should do the same. He does not get upset normally but when he does, he seems like he is much harder to calm down. So the crying starts as soon as I move to put him down. He can be sleepy, fall asleep and then, we move him and he is up for another 3 hours. So not a naturally sleepy child at all.
Words of encouragemenet please! Hope that makes sense . . . off to get him again!