Thanks so much Liz for the help
Tonight's shh/patt was the first in several where my lo did not cry! This made me feel good and more relaxed! When I place her down in her crib (for all naps/nights) I notice her legs move ALOT! She's a tummy sleeper and I've noticed this trend over the past 3 days/nights...her upper body is relaxed and still, but her legs...they keep movin! Maybe practicing crawling? Although I don't see this during the day time when she's awake...
Her cry lately starts out as a's like she's saying, "Oh mommy, I'm tired, but I don't want to go to sleep/nap". Then she whines for a little before getting frustrated (partially because her legs keep her awake I think) and then she starts crying and it escalates rather quickly from there...rarely when I pick her up, does her crying stop...she has eneded up crying herself to sleep a lot over the past 3 days...
While trying to read her cries, I don't think she's hungry...several times I've given her oval drops lately- bunching her knees together...the oval drops seem to relax her fairly quickly, but then when I start pu/pd & shh/patt, she starts crying again....
I know there are some changes I need to make...I think her activity times are getting too long...especially at night...
question here...with NO cat nap, how long should the last activity time be before bed? Also, I've been keeping my lo awake longer before naps because we've been out...i.e., this morning for going out for breakfast with friends and then again tonight because we visited my mom...rrr it's hard to balance!
Anyways, thank you so much for looking at my EASY and helping:-)
Easy for Saturday February 20, 2010W: 6:50 (EW @ 12:00 for 1 hr 5 min.)
E: 7:00 (8 oz)
A: 3 hr 10…3 tbsp cereal & 4 slices banana
S: 10:00…fell asleep in car within 3 minutes because went out for breakfast
Total nap time…1 hr 30 min (first full nap in 3 days)
E: 11:30 (8 oz)
A: 3 hr 10 …3 tbsp Carrots
…this activity time is/was usually longer than the first
S: 2:40…I tried shh/patt and caved in by walking her to sleep
(10 min for lo to fall sleep)
Total nap time…1 hr 05 (EW…woke up crying and whiny…tried to shh/patt back to sleep, but cry became loud- somewhat
forceful- also my husband was sleeping before his night shift...couldn't let lo go on crying
E: 3:45 (8 oz)
A: 4 hr 35…3 tbsp Squash
…grocery shopping and visited Oma- gave tired cue only at 7:30
S: 8:30…with a shh/patt of 20 min which included walking around twice, but
when I put her into her crib the last time, she was still a little awake, and
fell asleep on her own…i.e., I stepped back to see what would happen…
with 6 oz bottle before bed
Total Bottles: 30 oz
Total Solids: 9 tbsp
Total Naps: 1 hr 30 & 1hr 05
EW from last night…from 12:00- 1:05
I'm also attaching a chart of her activity times over the last 7 days...I find collecting the data interesting! Not sure if it's useful....hope the attachment works