Author Topic: 9mth old barely eats or drinks anything!!!  (Read 704 times)

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9mth old barely eats or drinks anything!!!
« on: March 04, 2010, 17:25:59 pm »
I am at my wits end because my 9mth old just won't eat!  We were successfully following the 4 hour schedule where he drank 6-7 ounces of 4 hrs + had a few ounces of solids. Now he won't eat his baby food and he will not drink more than 4-5 ounces of milk!!! I just don't know what to do!

We just had our 9 mth weigh in and he's only 17 lbs!! And he's crawling so he's probably going to burn off more calories now...

please any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

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Re: 9mth old barely eats or drinks anything!!!
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2010, 18:49:46 pm »
First of all - and I know this is much easier said than done - don't worry too much, they all seem to go through it ::). Babies are good at self regulating and they won't starve themselves (and I will take my own advice one day honest ;)).

If he is crawling he is probably much too busy to stop and eat. What flow teat is he on, if you are not on a fast flow I would try it to see if he take more if he can get it more quickly. Are you giving finger foods yet? If not try giving him finger foods when you give his puree/ mashed food as it can distract them enough to get a few more spoonfuls in.

Is he sticking to his growth curve? If he is and he has plenty of wet/ dirty nappies then he is probably taking in enough. How many bottles is he on now, it could be that he needs to drop one in order to increase the intake on the others. If you can, post his EASY in terms of

E - what time, how much
A - how long
S - what time, how long for

it maybe that a few tweaks will have him eating a bit better again!


Offline brenda2

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Re: 9mth old barely eats or drinks anything!!!
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2010, 05:22:25 am »
is he teething?  this will for sure make them not eat!