I had great success with EASY with my DD, now 21 months, so I'm keen to get onto it with my DS who is currently 3 1/2 weeks old. At the moment we have someone helping us with getting him onto a routine but I don't think her routine is really working as he seems overtired an awful lot. I would love your advice as to what sort of routine you think I should put him on to. His background is as follows...
1/ he's a big a greedy boy. He was born 9lbs, then lost a bit of weight and then started piling it back on and currently weighs around 10lbs
2/ he is 100% breast fed but for ease occassionally has a bottle of expressed breast milk
3/ From the outset he was unhappy with feeding every 3 hours and preferred to be fed every 4 hours
4/ he was jaundiced for quite a while and his bilirubin levels have just got back to normal. The paediatrician says there's no cause for concern and felt it was breastfeeding that led to his jaundice, even though she confirmed he was obviously getting more than enough because of his rate of growth.
The tricky thing is that when he's not sleeping or eating he seems cross and crying. He takes a while to settle to sleep and at night can be up for hours. As I mentioned, he's on a routine of feeding every 4 hours (3am, 7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm, 11pm), but apart from that I can't seem to work out what sort of routine he's on - his sleep doesn't seem set in stone - sometimes he sleeps in his moses basket, other times on the maternity nurse's shoulder and he seems to be awake or asleep at different times each day. I am sure it is this that is leading to his over tiredness. I've had enormous help from people on here when my DD was suffering from OT-ness before he was born so I'm hoping someone here might be able to offer some advice. Any tips will be very gratefully received.
Thank you so much.