I am planning on weaning DS at around a year. I am not going to rush it as I know how important it is. He is now 11.5 months and we are down to 2 1/2 feeds a day. ONe in the morning, one before bed, and a quick on during the day if he is restless/comfort feed.
Should I wean to cow milk? I have been introducing it the past month or so, and DS does NOT care for it, he takes sips but makes faces. He mostly drinks water from a sippy, pretty well. He s a weird baby, never took a paci, refused the bottle in every form, doesn't like milk and doesn't like juice.
I am just concerned about his nutrition, he is a really healthy eater of solids and table foods of all sorts, just a spoiled breast baby! Should he be on cow milk if I am weaning and how can I get him to like it??