My son is 12.5 months old and is taking in very little fluids during the day. I would say he takes about 2oz whole milk and maybe 5oz of anything else (water, juice, soy milk, even chocolate milk on one occassion....tried everything) and then a 4oz bottle (however, the past two nights he's refused this as well). He knows how to drink out of a sippy, and will do so, but then spits the liquid it right back out.
This is relatively new behavior. We started him on a sippy around 5 months, and for the most part he just played with it, but I at least wanted to expose him to it. He started to get better at it as the months past and around 10ish months he took water out of it frequently, but would never take formula, I thought he was just used to having formula in a bottle and would take milk from the sippy when we introduced it.
Anywho, now that he's refusing his night bottle I would say we are doing good to get 7-10oz of liquids all day in him. I offer constantly, and I've used a million different sippy cups, straws, camel back, water bottle....and there is no difference. I am starting to worry about dehydration and constipation. He's recently starting having to strain a lot to have a BM, and when he does it's really solid.
Is this a phase? What else can I do to get fluids in him? When should I start to worry?