Author Topic: How long to HTTJ and W2S?  (Read 1485 times)

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How long to HTTJ and W2S?
« on: April 16, 2010, 19:19:30 pm »
Hello! LO is 12 weeks old on 3 hour easy. He tends to stir in his sleep and will wake himself up at 10/20 minute jolts and the 45 min cycle end. If we do HTTJ and W2S, he almost always takes a good 1.5+hr nap. How long do I continue using HTTJ and W2S? How to wean without messing up his naps?

He goes to sleep in his crib swaddled with a paci. The paci is new (we used to rock and fall asleep in arms but the paci gets him to fall asleep on his own, so we're using it now), and we're still having to hold the paci for him until he falls asleep (then lets go and we leave it out). He is learning how to keep the paci in better. But, if it falls out, and we have to put it back in, it takes him longer to fall asleep b/c he wants it. I'm all for him having his thumb, but he doesn't have the aim yet.

So if he wakes from jolts or cycle end, I don't think he has the soothing yet to put himself back to sleep (maybe the paci would, but I don't want the habit of replugging if I can avoid it; I'd rather do the other 2 b/c he's not aware we're helping, right?).

Offline sianie

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Re: How long to HTTJ and W2S?
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2010, 19:32:23 pm »
Hi you LO's age short naps tend to be developmental (i.e. sleep cycles are 45 mins and they need help transitioning to the next one).

I don't have an answer for you about how long you have to do W2S & HTTJ for....from what I've read (also going through similar situation with DS who's 14 wks) & my experience with my DD who's now 22 mo, short naps can be a problem until around 6mths (sorry!!!), when their sleep cycles mature and consolidate more. I guess every LO is different and for some they will quickly learn to transition from 1st to 2nd sleep cycle quicker than others  :)

I'm no sure about having to wean him from W2S or HTTJ as I guess they just grow out of needing it as they learn to sleep through?!

HTH?!  ;)

Offline stephiepete

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Re: How long to HTTJ and W2S?
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2010, 20:37:38 pm »
OK I thought that might be the case. Do you think it's a problem to keep extending using these methods? What about when ds is more aware that I"m in the room? Shh/pat does not work for my lo.

Offline sianie

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Re: How long to HTTJ and W2S?
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2010, 20:49:05 pm »
I personally don't think so as it's something that you should need to use less and less as they get older. I did HTTJ with DD1 and it just naturally decreased over time and at 6mo she was napping 1.5-2hrs & STTN on her own. At your LO's age they need your help to transition so I wouldn't worry about it becoming an issue  :)