Yea - I think my daughter was heaps better by 4months, but OT caused us problems with her all the way through until about now! Only a couple of months ago we were still battling with OT, so if your dd doesn't seem to suffer too much you're lucky!
Have spent a couple of days going back to basics and observing him really closely. Have also tried a longer wind down and less stimulating activities (i.e. not letting grandparents endlessly coo at him!) and that seems to have helped. Have also been to the docs today and they've given me some infant gaviscon. I'm not entirely convinced that he's got reflux, but will see if it makes any difference.
He does sleep quite well at night - wakes once for a feed and occasionally wakes for a burp or dummy re-plug, so think he can transition fine. Also, this morning he slept for an hour before he woke needing to be burped, so looks like if he didn't suffer from wind he'd be a brilliant sleeper...
Agree with you about EASY - it was great with dd but even more important with ds so that his E is as far away from S as poss.