Posted this on Night Wakings but got no reply. I know I read about it on some forum-can anyone advise:
Just a quick question about getting back on track if your LO is OT. Please move to appropriate forum if this is in the wrong place
I read recently (think it was a topic about NW for 6 or 7mth old) about if wake up time is 7, put them down at 9:30 regardless for nap, dont let them sleep past feeding time, nap later.
My LO had 2 short naps yesterday and woke up nearly every 1/1.5hrs last night. Was thinking of trying this today but wondering how exactly you go about it. He is 7 months old and STTN. What is the logic behind it? I thought that by putting him down too soon for a nap that they would only sleep 20-40 mins. It might be that I need to increase his A times. I always go by his cues-he generally gets cranky coming up to the 3 hour mark. We take each day as it comes.....
Recently he was waking about 6 30, babbling or a few mins and then back asleep again until anytime after 7. This stopped last weekend so he was sleeping from 8pm to 7/7 15/7 20. Maybe when he sleeps solidly until his wake up he might need a bit more A time-I can work on that but just want to get back on track after last night. (Since posting we realised it was teething that had him up as he woke last night at 9pm crying. His cheeks were red and hot so We gave him stuff and he slept until 7:10
Thanks in advance.