This is our typical routine:
7am wake
7-7:15 eat
7:15 - 8:15 activity
Then I swaddle him, sing a song while rocking him (sometimes he gets a bit fussy but quickly relaxes) when his eyes start closing I start to shhh him. When he is quite peaceful I put him down. This process takes between 15-20 min unless my 3 year old interupts.
He will then sleep 45 minutes and again
9:30 wake up
9:30-9:45 eat
9:45 - 11:00 activity
then again he will sleep for another 45 minutes.
He generally has 4 of these naps .
If the last nap is over by 3:30 he is then awake til about 6ish and will have in cat nap in our arms for maybe 10-15 minutes and then he has a final feeding about 6:30. This feeding is usually quite long. Then generally after the feeding while he is still awake I just put him in his crib and he will fall asleep on his own. He will then sleep from 7pm to 7am. However, he will wake up usually after 5 hours for first feeding and then again one more feeding 3-4 hours later and then again another 3-4 hours later. He feeds for under 10 minutes and I put him back in his crib and he will fall asleep on his own.
I need help with 2 things.
1 - getting his naps to be longer
2 - getting him to fall asleep on his own for naps.
I tried the shh/pat and it used to work for the first nap but now he cries or gets fussy if I put him in the crib.