Author Topic: 18 MO Don't know what to do next......update info from child psyc  (Read 5178 times)

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Re: 18 MO Don't know what to do next......update info from child psyc
« Reply #60 on: May 18, 2010, 18:14:58 pm »
Our night was much better last night too - baby boot camp consisted of me deciding not to stay in her room after she woke, so although she woke 3 times, it only took 5 mins to settle her each time.  She slept till 6.50 as well!  The day was slightly spoiled by refusing to nap at all today!  Can't imagine this bodes well for the night.

I had thought that it might be molars, Liz, as she has been drooling and chewing on her fists for ages - no sign of anything though.  She has been really out of sorts for the last few days too - just sitting on my knee and being really clingy which is not like her, so there is some underlying thing that is causing the problem.

Hope you feel better too, frano.  As for having it sussed, I'm starting to think that is never going to happen!

Could be SA, Nicole.  I know that I have been thinking about that for E too - since she seems to go back to sleep so quickly when I am there, it's hard to see how it could be a routine/discomfort issue.  Anyway - looks like your dh should be on night duty the whole time! ;D

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Re: 18 MO Don't know what to do next......update info from child psyc
« Reply #61 on: May 18, 2010, 18:40:45 pm »
I do wonder if DH going in a few times might have been what broke the cycle here TBH.

J did a bit of a short night last night after a longer nap than usual  ::).

((hugs)) for the no napping Clare. I wonder what is up?

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Re: 18 MO Don't know what to do next......update info from child psyc
« Reply #62 on: May 18, 2010, 18:51:55 pm »
Hey girls

Liz that's good napping, hope it continues. I *still* get told "well maybe if you don't let her sleep in the day she would sleep better at night" etc, it's sooo frustrating when I know full well she does better at night if she sleeps well in the day.
Anyway - looks like your dh should be on night duty the whole time! ;D

I agree Nicole, no better reason!! ;D Hope if it is teething it doesn't last too long, I can't believe how much it can disrupt their sleep and routine!

Clare, yay for the good night and "lie-in!!" Hope tonight's not bad after the no nap day. When we have days like that DD tends to sleep through but get up extra early :( Hope that's not the case for you.

We had one NW at 1am but she fell back to sleep really quickly when I lay next to her. I have to stop doing that though, I can barely get back up off the floor!! (There is a mattress there but it's really thin and obviously getting up off the ground, virtually, is getting really difficult!!) And I ache soooo much I swear every bone creaks, it'll wake her up soon! Then she woke at 6am which is a big improvement on the previous 2 day's 4.55am :( And today we had the best nap we have had in aaaggges..2 hours from 11.20-1.20! Asleep tonight at 6.50pm, no idea what to expect of tonight but I am really hoping the decent nap will have a good knock-on effect...

Frano how are you feeling hun? Hope you're OK.

Good luck tonight all xxxxxxxxx
Blessed mum to two home-birthed darling water babies

hey you with the pretty face, welcome to the human race

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Re: 18 MO Don't know what to do next......update info from child psyc
« Reply #63 on: May 18, 2010, 20:36:38 pm »
Well I thought we were ruined for naps today as we had to take her to the allergist....and she nodded off in the car around 11! I figured we wouldn't get another nap at all. But I put her up and tried around 2....and she went to sleep around 2:20 and we woke her around 3:40! So I don't know how tonight will go but at least she's not going to bed OT.

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Re: 18 MO Don't know what to do next......update info from child psyc
« Reply #64 on: May 19, 2010, 12:55:19 pm »
Hi ladies, as the initial problem in this thread has been resolved and we have a fantastic update - I am going to lock this thread.  Please feel free to start new threads of your own if you are still having specific issues ;)

Good sleeping vibes all round ~~~~~~~~