We do a DF, but I only offer 3.75oz bc LO has reflux (I'm pretty sure, but no testing or meds; mild symptoms), and I don't want him to NW due to a hurt tummy. I probably need to step up the amount since the GS, but of course don't want a middle of the night feed where he's in pain. I had those a couple times when I bumped it to 4oz a while back.
I might post my EASY on the board for a looksie in the next couple of days. I think it's still "normal" for him to wake occasionally, but of course it's cruel to STTN and then not haha! He LOOKS longer this week, so he may just still be needing more food. As I said, the NW are scattered times, but after the GS last week, he was not feeding as long every 3 hours, so I bumped it to avoid snacking. In BWSAYP, Tracy said that NW could be due to a ~3 hour schedule that needs bumped up, but she didn't explain why that is. Is it b/c LO would not be taking in enough food at each feed? But at ~4 they'll be very hungry and so will take what they should??