Author Topic: A long A fixed with a short A but end up with an early BT what to do about EW?  (Read 1494 times)

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Offline Chicane

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So a couple of times a week I find myself in a position where we get an A thats too long (for various reasons one being that the shops close between 2 and 5pm so I have to do all the shopping in the morning), we fix it up with by shortening the next A to avoid extreme OT. LO deals really well with these days but we usually end up with an early BT. He's sleeping 11 hours at night so if he goes to bet at 6.30pm I am looking at a 5.30am wake up which I just can't deal with. So, how do I fix it? Try and fit in a CN? Try and stretch the next mornings A time so that first nap is at his regular time or does this risk another OT situation? Or stretch last A time before bed and risk NWs from OT? Things work out well if he goes to sleep closer to 7pm - for some reason I can handle getting up at 6am but not at 5.30am! Thoughts please oh wise ladies...

Offline Yazzie

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Just as you said, by all means, you need to find a solution that avoids OT, what does your routine look like @ the moment?
Adam's Mum

Offline stephiepete

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Have similar issue so following post

Offline Chicane

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Hi ya Yazzie and stephiepete

Ok DS is 7 months 4 weeks. A couple of notes - he has never done more then 1 hour 15 in naps - no matter what combination we've tried - he has been like this forever and his moods are fine on this, infact in BWSAYPs Tracy says at this age its ok to be getting 2 hours and a bit day naps so we are ok with that. our day goes like this generally (when its smooth)

wake up between 6 - 6.40am
S 9.30am - 10.30(1hr - 1 hr 15 mins)
S 2pm - 3pm
S 6.30 - 6.45pm
E between 3-4am back to sleep straight away until morning

So, more or less first A often leans towards the 3hr 45 min mark which has been getting me a good nap, second and third As are between 3 and 3.5 hrs. He goes down easily for naps and BT. Wakes up looking and acting refreshed and happy.

Occasionally, his morning A will stretch to around 4 hours, I hate doing this but sometimes its just unavoidable. Sometimes he'll still give me an hour nap but others he'll give me an OT 45 min nap. So, I shorten the next A time in both those situations which allows him to catch up but means he's either awake too long before bed and will have a extra NW which I can settle pretty quickly or he goes to bed too early and is up at 5 - 5.30am.

Would you try to stretch the second A time to get back to normal schedule? Would you just do early BT and deal with EW and stretch the following mornings A to get back on track? Would you stretch both afternoon and evening As in equal measure to get to decent BT? or Would you do a CN on days like this to get to decent BT?

Does that sound confusing? And just to top it all off - we had a day like that on Friday so an EW on Saturday and expected an EW on Sunday too because he went to bed early but he managed to sleep until 6.30am anyway - so maybe as he get a bit older he is able to cope better with these kinds of days...?

Offline Yazzie

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I honestly think things get better as they get older, or I hope so :)..about getting through the day, although I wouldn't suggest adding a CN, as you don't want to be moving backwards, but maybe on the days that you're out you could offer a 15~20 mins CN to get you through the day?

One other thing, as you say your ds does 11hrs night then you'be aiming for 13hrs day, to balance the day, but maybe you'll reach that eventually when his first A is 4hrs ::)
Adam's Mum

Offline Chicane

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Hi Yazzie - yeah, I think you're right, I guess I just need to ride these days out for a while. I've actually noticed that in the last week or so on these days his nights have been getting maybe he's getting to the point where he can deal with it better. Still tweaking those A times. Today put him down after a 3.5 hr morning A time to see what would happen and he's given me a 35 min UT nap!!! Damn it! Now the rest of the day is out of tune. But its does answer my question - morning A has got to be 3hr 45min or even a little bit more! Argh, there is always tomorrow! thanks for your input x

What about you Steve'smum? Where are you at with this issue and how old is your LO?

Offline Yazzie

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Have you tried extending to 4 hrs, keeping the last 20ish mins very low key to sort of trick him into it?

Had to suggest, as I was very resistive to extending A times for so long & was stuck with Ut naps.
Adam's Mum

Offline Chicane

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hmmm...why do we find these kind of changes so scary!? Ok, I am going to try that and see what happens, but like I said...I think he's getting better at dealing with it...will see what the night brings! Thanks Yazzie x

Offline Yazzie

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why do we find these kind of changes so scary!?

No Idea:(...but I still can't stop stressing about naps, even when things are ok :(

Goodluck hun..xx
Adam's Mum

Offline stephiepete

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I think my LO is needing to stretch his feedings out. He's 4mo this week (WOW!), and he was starting to eat less at his feeds and resist the last feed of the day. So now we're on 3.25EASY working a few days at a time with each interval to see if he needs to stretch it out. He's getting the same number of feeds during the day. He STTN about half the time. The nW are at random times. We had a GS last week before we started extending feeding times. Depending on the night, our last feeding might be around 5pm, which is too early for the last feed - so that's the case where I'm always unsure what to do. So far, we're having less of early bedtime with the longer easy. I'm hoping the longer easy will solve the NW issue but not sure...

Offline Yazzie

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Stephie have you tried a DF?

Maybe start a thread of your own, to have any question you have answered :)
Adam's Mum

Offline stephiepete

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We do a DF, but I only offer 3.75oz bc LO has reflux (I'm pretty sure, but no testing or meds; mild symptoms), and I don't want him to NW due to a hurt tummy. I probably need to step up the amount since the GS, but of course don't want a middle of the night feed where he's in pain. I had those a couple times when I bumped it to 4oz a while back.

I might post my EASY on the board for a looksie in the next couple of days. I think it's still "normal" for him to wake occasionally, but of course it's cruel to STTN and then not haha! He LOOKS longer this week, so he may just still be needing more food. As I said, the NW are scattered times, but after the GS last week, he was not feeding as long every 3 hours, so I bumped it to avoid snacking. In BWSAYP, Tracy said that NW could be due to a ~3 hour schedule that needs bumped up, but she didn't explain why that is. Is it b/c LO would not be taking in enough food at each feed? But at ~4 they'll be very hungry and so will take what they should??

Offline Chicane

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Hey Stephie

Is it b/c LO would not be taking in enough food at each feed? But at ~4 they'll be very hungry and so will take what they should??

That makes sense to me...guess you can only try for a few days and see what happens. Otherwise defo post up your EASY in a new thread if you feel like it needs new eyes.

Stevesmum - apologies for what? Notes are good! Notes are easy! I am going to split your post from this thread so you have your own EASY post. Will get back to on that new one.

Offline Chicane

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Oh because when I sent you the link to this one I think I actually meant to send you the link to another one that we had been chatting on but you know...I am a bit dyslexic or maybe just brain dead!? or maybe just tired...