J is 13.5mths old and is your typical Textbook Toddler. I've been spending the last 4 months or more with the 2-1 Transition and just found that he doesn't mind doing the 1 nap these days (with the exception of the odd day or two where he might have a 30 minute pm nap).
So our day generally looks like this:
6-6:30am Wake/BF
7am Breakfast etc
9am Snack
10/11am Sleep/Nap (2hrs)
12/1pm Lunch
4:30/5pm Dinner
7/7:30pm Sleep (sometimes has the occasional NW but generally easy to put back down)
Now this looks pretty good, I guess, but its the putting him back to bed thing that's getting more and more difficult as he's heavier, more wriggly at times etc.
Basically, J either needs to be BF to sleep or held and rocked/walked to sleep. I can't even remember how we got to this, as he learnt to Sleep on his own with the WI/WO approach when he was about 7 months old (if i still remember correctly). I was totally against BF him to sleep as i knew that it would become a problem later, but i couldn't help it when i was doing the 2-1 Nap Transition. what would happen was.... when it came close to nap time, J was due for his BF (and he would ask for it too) so I would give it to him and he would fall asleep.
Its the same at night. He usually has a BF after his bath and wind down and he falls asleep with me. But there are some nights it doesn't work and some nap times it wont work either. I also don't want to have to rely on BF him all the time to get him to bed as i know he is capable to independently doing it. We have tried the GW approach a few months ago as well and that was going alright but now we are back to square 1. Sometimes we even have to wrap/swaddle him to sleep as there is no way we can actually tuck him in bed without resisting. He also stand a lot and just cries not wanting to sit/lie down in his bed unless we revert to BF or holding/rocking him to sleep.
So here are my questions:
1. At this stage, How do i choose between the WI/WO and the GW approach in trying to sleep train him? (As they both worked in the past)
2. If I do the WI/WO do i keep telling him the phrase "time to go night-night ..." everytime i come in? or would i only say it the first couple of times and then just come in and not say a word and lie him down all the other times?
3. What if he doesn't want to lie down when i put him down? As he just stands right back up and get more upset. Should i pick him up and wait till he is calm to put him down? - or will this just take us back to the original problem of holding him to get to sleep?
4. Over the last 3 days now J has woken up around 5:30 and sometimes a little earlier. I have been so exhausted that i just BF him and my husband tries to put him back to bed in his own room but the first 2 nights he just didn't want to sleep. he was wide awake so our day started nice and early. Today was the 3rd day and he woke up about 5:20am and when i BF him he fell asleep with me on our bed. We drifted in and out of sleep till about 7am. He did get a couple of bottom teeth just cut through a few days ago too so I'm not sure if the EW will still continue, but what should i do to make sure it doesn't continue? - last time we had this problem it was due to Nap time issues but we have no such problems at the moment.
Thanks so much all you Baby Whispering Gurus! All your help and feedback are just priceless!