Hi ,
You will all probably think I'm a terrible mum but here goes.
I have a lovely 20mth old little girl bethan who doesn't seem to sleep.
She has only slept thru when she was 2 weeks old and that was for two weeks, the funny part of that is i was in ICU and the night she started sleeping thru was the night i was put on lifesupport and the day i woke she stopped sleeping thru weird huh !!!!.
We got her off her night time bottles about3 mths ago as she was still waking for them, we did that cold turkey really i went in to her after 10 Min's and then left it longer and she was great after 2 nights but now she wakes constantly every hour from 1 am for her dummy.
I know i should get rid of them but i am so tired i don't know where to start lol.
My husband got her into a routine while i was in hosp that worked for him he would basically give her milk every 4 hours so if goes into her on a night she thinks weeeheyyy its bot bot time,so i don't let him go in.
we also have 5 year old little boy who has aspergers and i sometimes feel like i am loosing the plot ,I'm really tired upset and i feel so guilty i have given her this routine, You would think coming from a autistic home i should be a expert at routines. lol.
her routine at the moment is.
Wake 6am.
Breakfast 7am.
nap 11am.
lunch 12.30 to 1pm ish.
Tea time 4.30pm
bed 7pm.
please help.xx Jo