Hi Cadie's Mum, thanks for such a great reply!
Ok so to answer your questions. Re the latch: I have always believed that he has not been latching on properly. But I went to a bf'ing group yesterday and the bf'ing consultant that I saw seems to think that he is latching on ok so now I don't know what to think. Sometimes when he latches on I can tell straight away that he is not on right because of the pain and so I take him off and help him to latch back on again and then it doesn't feel too bad when he feeds. But then my nipples are very sore at the moment because of thrush so I am not sure if any pain I feel is because of bad latch or thrush. My nipples do not look how you described after he has finished feeding.
He is having plenty of wet and dirty nappies and his poos are yellow/green with mustard seeds.
The midwives and HV's who think it is an issue are just making sure that he is getting weighed regularly but they aren't doing much else, other than making me feel bad about the weight gain
He has got a tongue tie but everybody who has looked at it says that it is tiny and that it shouldn't affect his feeding.
As for the breast refusal thing, I don't think it is nipple confusion or not wanting to work for the milk. If that was the case wouldn't he be refusing the breast for more than just the one feed? At the moment it is only the one feed (the one after all the cluster feeding) that he refuses. The rest of the time he goes on the breast fine. If anything I get the feeling that he actually prefers the breast as it can take a long time to get him to start feeding from the bottle.
I hope that answers all of your questions
Chrissie x