DD was never a good napper and often had EW, but always a good night sleeper. We had an awful molars period 13-17 months with 4:50 - 5:30 EW for 4 months on the row, and I could count fingers how many times in her life she had napped for 2 hr, it's always quite short. We had a bit of rest 18-21 month getting back to 6-6:30 wakings, and steady 1.5 h naps, then it all gone bad again (now for 2 months). Really hoped daylight saving time would save it for me, but she pushed her wake up time an hour earlier almost on the day of change: her bedtime had now become 8 pm vs. 7 pm, but she only lasted 1 day on 6 am being 7 am, and them just moved it to 6 am again (5 am as it was!).
So for 2 months her routine was:
wu 6:20 -6:30 (sometimes 5:50).
nap: 12:30 - 12:45 for 1 h 10-20 min precisely. She normally wakes up crying from 1 h 10 min and happy from 1 h 20 min. I tried earlier nap time, but she NEVER takes a longer nap so then I have 8 hours of afternoon to tackle.
bedtime: 19:30, asleep about 19:45 - 20:00. I can't have it earlier, she just wakes up earlier. She used to have 11 h night sleep, now this is 10:30 at best.
She is in big bed since 21 months and loving it. She goes to bed herself, happy, cuddles with the blanket, tells me "Tessa is asleep, Tessa will not wake up early:)))" and falls asleep quietly in 5-10 min.
Anyway, last 4 days without any warning she started having a real fight about going to nap at her normal time. Today I decided to keep her up a bit later, she was very playful (though obviously tired), and I finally I managed to get her to bed without a fight by 1:20 pm, but she wouldn't fall asleep, walked out of the room and then threw a tantrum when I tried to get her back to bed. She finally fell asleep in my arms and then slept for 1 h 40 min woke up really happy at 3:20. Struggled a bit to get her to bed though, but fall asleep quick at 8:15 pm.
Any ideas please? I thought I'm forever fighting OT, but it looks like UT or what? It's just been such a sharp change from a baby falling asleep at lunch and almost running to bed right after to an hour fight to get her to bed in just a day.
She's not teething or ill.
Appreciate your thoughts - I'm due any day and these nap tantrums is the last thing I need with the newborn around..