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EW creeping back
« on: May 21, 2010, 11:38:09 am »
 OK routine as follows,

 6.45/7 - wake
 12.00 - 1.30/2 - nap
 6.45/7  - bed

 He had been ticking along fine for weeks, still going down ok for naps most of the time. We are having weird morning wakes. Wakes at about 4.30/5ish crying hard, by the time I try to distinguish the cry and rub my eyes to get out of bed it stops. I think he goes back to sleep but cant be sure. He then starts wailing earlier and earlier in the day to get up, another new thing. Has always been a morning babbler!! This morning it was 6am he was crying at so could have been awake well before that, also had a crying episode at 4.30ish am. Real awful cries.

 Now, he has for the most part been a 12 hour night man aside from getting through 2-1 and the odd EW bout. He is also starting to babble lots before going down at night too. SOmetimes for up to 45mins so his nights are really shortening.

 Lots of changes in the past few weeks. Could it just be everything thats been going on or does anybody have any other ideas? Whats tending to happen now is I can be out in the car running errands in the AM and he's falling asleep in the car at like 10ish am! Still got 1 canine to cut but its been looking the same for weeks now so not sure about that.


Offline babybarr

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Re: EW creeping back
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2010, 12:03:35 pm »
I reckon it's probably all the changes, however EWs are really common with teeth.  Maybe try giving a dream med and see if that helps?

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Re: EW creeping back
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2010, 12:57:56 pm »
Hi Emma,
I agree with Laura about the teeth but going to share our experience...
Now my boy is not the norm as far as sleep goes (!) but I have noticed that we def get EW's if he does not get enough A time post nap. If he does a  2 hour nap he needs 5.5 hours to sleep an 11 hour night (sometimes he does more) If I only do 5 he will wake after 10.5 hours.
Just thought I would mention it xxx

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Offline ~Emma~

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Re: EW creeping back
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2010, 13:56:18 pm »
 I like your thinking re the longer A after longer nap but.....he kind of extends that A himself anyways in the crib. Or does that not count?!  ;)

 To be honest what with everything going on I've not been keeping an eye on timings like I used to. He was in nursery today and only napped 45 mins so a definate early night but will perhaps try and get a wee bit of longer A in the afternoon on Saturday if he naps 2 hours.  Bedtime by 7.30 seems pretty reasonable.

 How long can bubs keep up the 12 hour night for anyways do you think? Does that shorten as they get older?

Offline babybarr

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Re: EW creeping back
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2010, 13:58:42 pm »
How long can bubs keep up the 12 hour night for anyways do you think? Does that shorten as they get older?
In most of the cases on TS - not very long hee hee!!

I think yes it does shorten, I think at 18mths - it's supposed to be 11-11.5hrs