Hi there,
I have posted on this board numerous times in the past year as DD has never been a great napper! However, after she started daycare at 9 months, things started getting better and eventually even on the week-ends at home she had good naps!
I was really excited! Now she is 14 months and I have just started being on vacation last week, up until september (lots of accumulated vacation!). I was home with her on Wednesday and Friday, and on Thursday DH was with me as it was a holiday here. So Wednesday and Friday, she only had 2 x 45 min naps, while Thursday she slept wonderfully well 2 x 1h30. Now today, she's been asleep 1.5 hours for her first nap.
Which bring me to question what is happening here... when she's alone with me, she doesn't take long naps whereas if DH is here, or if she's at daycare, she does.
I originally assumed she slept better at daycare because she's more stimulated and more tired physically from playing with other LO's. But now, she's finally napping well at home too (for maybe 2 months now which means that the first 3 months she was in daycare she would sleep fine over there but medium at home) - except when DH is not there. I am quite discouraged because I was really looking forward to having a nice summer off with her, but now these first 2 days have shown me that she gets OT by the end of the day so it's not fun for her...
Has anyone experienced something like this? She's also not been eating too well on the days she's with me compared to the days DH is here and what she eats at daycare, I feel like a terrible mother, how can this be that she doesn't eat well and doesn't nap well when she's alone with me? Since I've been on holiday she's been getting up at 6AM while she used to sleep until 7 AM.
So I'm really confused now, any ideas?