Author Topic: I am so desperate!!!!!! please please please help  (Read 678 times)

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Offline Henna20

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I am so desperate!!!!!! please please please help
« on: June 23, 2010, 01:25:54 am »
I am going crazy. my daughter is just turned 3 a couple months ago. recently she has been having a very hard time falling asleep and night and a very hard time with me leaving her room.  a little background: she still takes a nap during the day (more about that later), she is with me the whole day (no school or daycare), she has a little brother 14 months old and I am in beginning of pregnancy which means i am super tired all the time and my patience has been basically none existent.  i have never let her cry it out. she has been baby whispered since she was 3 months old. sometimes if i have done everything i can think of to help her go to sleep and she still does not want me to leave i have told her that its ok to cry if she is sad.  i hate letting her cry.

i put her to sleep around 7:30/7:45-these days closer to 8 and she will be awake in her room sometimes till 10:30!!! i need to go to sleep by then and can not be awake dealing with her.  i have tried putting her to sleep closer to 8 cuz i thought maybe she is not tired (but now i'm wondering if i'm missing her sleep window). she usually naps from around 1 till 4. not sure what time she actually falls asleep but thats how long she is in her room for. i know that is a long time for her age so i have tried pushing her nap closer to 2. i NEED her to nap because I NEED to nap. i coordinate her little brothers sleep so that they will both take a nap at the same time bec i seriously cannot get through the day without a nap.

what is going on with bedtime and what is going on with? she keeps saying "don't leave me. i need someone with me. etc etc etc and tons of crying" we try keeping her door open a little bit, me checking on her, reading two books instead of one (i offer her one book and kvetching or two books and she should say "ok" right away when mommy needs to leave).

i am desperate to get this behavior to stop and i have no clue what do. i am seriously ready to just tell her to take her mattress into my room and let her sleep there if it will get her to stop all the whining and crying even though i really do not want to do that and know that long term that is unhelpful. 

please please please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: I am so desperate!!!!!! please please please help
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2010, 01:58:00 am »
TBH, I think her PM nap is too long and goes too late in the day. At 3 my daughter was doing a 1-3 nap, sometimes 1-230.  She is awake from 7 or 8 am until 1, which is 5 or 6 hours. Then she sleeps for at least 2 of the 3, only has 3.5-4 hours of A time before bed. This probably isn't enough time to get the energy out.

She also sounds like she is going through a phase where she wants your attention. She recognizes you are tired and don't have as much time for her (she probably wouldn't verbalize it that way, but she senses it). She is trying to do what she can to get your attention any way she can. Some things that might help:

1. Set a timer. "Mommy will cuddle with you for 20 minutes, then when the timer goes off mommy is going to her bed."
2. Try shorten her PM nap. 2 hours should be more than enough for a 3 year old. My bet is she just isn't tired enough for bed yet.
3. Give her some in room activities at bed time. My DD often reads books to herself if she isn't tired. I'll give her a time when the lights have to go off (say 830, she has a digital clock in her room) and she shuts the lights off and goes to bed pretty well by herself.
4. Make a good night chart. For every night that she goes to bed nicely she gets a sticker. After 7 stickers she gets a prize of some kind. This worked AMAZINGLY well for my DD when we took away her pacifiers at the age of 3.  She got to choose an activity like Chuck E. Cheese after she completed her chart. Sometimes small gifts work well too like bubbles or chalk.
5. You can also say, "mommy is very tired too. She is going to go lay down in her bed, but we will come check on you at XXX time." Then be true to your word, just incase you have a clock watcher like mine :-)

Hopefully suggestions help. My DD really reacted well to the timer and the charts.

Hugs and wishes for a safe and happy pregnancy!

Abigail - Defines Spirited! - 5-1-06

Katherine - Is a mystery wrapped in a cute package - 4-13-10

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: I am so desperate!!!!!! please please please help
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2010, 02:03:01 am »
{{{hugs}}} and congrats on your pregnancy first off!  This is a tough one, because I can see that you need the break and a nap, but if she really is sleeping that long in the day that might be why you get the bedtime resistance. Not really sure what you can do but maybe get her to have a shorter nap or just a rest time?

Offline brenda2

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Re: I am so desperate!!!!!! please please please help
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2010, 04:55:59 am »
definitely cut the nap.

my dd is almost 3 and is needing less daysleep.  on the days she goes to daycare and has a 2 hour nap 12:30-2:30 she is awake until 9, sometimes closer  to 10 pm and it's crying and calling us into her room etc.  on weekends we do no nap and she's out by 7 pm, no fuss and no resistance what so ever.  i'd like her to have no nap at daycare but that's not an option where she is so we are living with the later bedtimes for now.

i would cut her nap to 1.5 hours, wake no later than 2:30 and see what happens with your bedtime.  i liked my nap too but i also like having an evening to myself and going to bed early!