Author Topic: Can't seem to increase A time??  (Read 1740 times)

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Offline gilly37

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Can't seem to increase A time??
« on: June 25, 2010, 19:47:34 pm »

I think my 24 week old is gradually becoming more and more undertired, I'm pretty sure she's ready for an A time increase (we're on 2hrs 10m at the moment and she's just all over the place with sleep, for the last week or so she's been up all night on and off seemingly wide awake, waking at least once during naps as well). But I just can't seem to get her past 2hrs 10, in fact sometimes she's actually screaming as though OT at 2hrs!?! I can't even up it by 5mins at the moment. I've tried an extra long wind down, and it has resulted in me really struggling to settle her, ending up having hold her dummy in for ages before she'll surrender. This is happening at bedtime mostly, less so at naptimes. Why can't I extend those A times any further?? Maybe someone could take a look at our day today and something might stand out to you? Bear in mind that we've had multiple night-wakings, 4 last night to be exact.... But that's another story!

0625 Wake up (tried to get her back to sleep due to the NWs but no luck, low key A time in bed with me until bottle)
0700 E 5oz formula
0800 E 1 tblspn porridge
0855-1025 S 1hr 30
1100 E 5oz formula
1200 E 1 tblspn fruit puree
1250-1435 S 1hr 45 (tried to extend A to 2hrs 15 and ended up taking until 2hrs 25 to settle, see what I mean??)
1500 E 4oz formula
1600 E 2 tblspns veg
1645-1720 S 35min catnap
1830 E 8oz formula
1930 S Bedtime, she's been asleep for 1hr 15mins so far and no wakeup as yet but who knows what's still to come!!


Offline brenda2

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Re: Can't seem to increase A time??
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2010, 02:58:13 am »
you should probably post over in EASY...more eyes on this there.

it actually looks good to me....she's almost 6 mo?  she did 2.5 hours A time first thing then 2 hours 25 min A then a short nap and 2 hours 10 min A time which is right after a short nap.  (shorter A time after a short nap).  it is on the low end of A time for 6 mo but not unusually so.  my dd1 wasn't doing 3 hours A time and 2 naps until close to 8 mo.


Offline gilly37

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Re: Can't seem to increase A time??
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2010, 06:29:31 am »
Hi and thanks for your reply. That's good to hear about your dd1, I think LO handled the long A in the morning because it was low key, and the 2hr 25 was actually a mistake as she passed her window of being happy to go down for a nap, she was really fussy and cranky. Most times she's crying by 2hrs and trying to keep her awake for a little longer is hard. Anyhoo maybe she'll surprise me soon!
