Author Topic: if my 12 wk old eats every 4 hrs will she wake more?  (Read 1250 times)

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if my 12 wk old eats every 4 hrs will she wake more?
« on: June 24, 2010, 12:52:02 pm »
hi there

my 12 wk old DD seems to go 4 hrs in between feeds and im worried shes missing out on food, she is taking more than she use , she use to have about 3 ozs now its anything from 4 to 6 oz...

how much should she have in a day and should it be ok for her to go every 4 hrs now instead of 16 wks,,,shes 13 wks sat


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Re: if my 12 wk old eats every 4 hrs will she wake more?
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2010, 18:41:13 pm »
If she is taking more at a feed - as they should when moving from 3 to 4 hours she shouldn't be hungry. As a rough guide they say that babies should have 2-2.5oz of milk per lb of body weight so a 10lb baby will need 20 - 25oz of milk. This is a very rough guide, some babies take a lot more, some less but it gives you something to aim for!

I had to go to 4 hour feeds early with my refluxers so we had to do EASAES for a while until their A times caught up to the 4 hour EASY. It worked well for us, we just made sure not to feed to sleep when E came right at S time!



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Re: if my 12 wk old eats every 4 hrs will she wake more?
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2010, 22:20:04 pm »
Hi Laura, I have this same prob which I have posted on this forum, my LO isn't interested after 3.5 hours in feeding but she isn't ready for 2 hour awake time, how did you ensure you didn't get into the feed to sleep habit?


Offline nenee

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Re: if my 12 wk old eats every 4 hrs will she wake more?
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2010, 09:11:30 am »
Hi ya

Iv been doing that,, but im fiding she does feed near bedtime but i try and make sure she finshes at least 10 mins before i put her for nap only exception is bedtime but tracy says in book that this is ok and an exception to the rule at bedtime and she isnt waking for a bottle etc she goes to bed on her own with no props etc and sleeps from 6.30 pm to 5.30 am without waking up which is very good at 12 weeks i think..

Her A time is 2 hrs also which works very well she has 2 naps 1st one she sleeps for 2 to 2 1/2 hrs and i have to wake her  2nd nap is 1 1/2 hrs and then she goes to bed and its working perfectly for her...

so just wanted t o make sure shes getting the calories,, willbe wweaining her at 16 weeks slowly but willbe starting as shes a big baby born 9 lb 1 oz



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Re: if my 12 wk old eats every 4 hrs will she wake more?
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2010, 09:41:00 am »
Sounds like she is doing well!

With the weaning I would speak to your HV/GP about that if you haven't already. 16 weeks is very young to be starting unless it's for a medical reason like reflux. My DD was/is a big baby, she was 8lbs 11oz born and we did start at 18 weeks under her Peads guidance because she was pouring her milk back out but she really didn't need it from a food point of view and she has stuck to the 91st centile on around 25oz of milk a day at that age (very rarely took more than that and often a bit less). Don't forget that oz for oz milk has more calories than early foods so they will really get less calories by volume and rice can cause digestive problems like constipation.
