Our DD is almost 2. She's been cutting her last 4 teeth and recently had a really bad cold and cough, so I slipped in to accidental parenting
I would stay in her room until she went to sleep (this was the only way she would sleep) and when she woke up in the night I'd stay with her. Not ideal, I know, but at the time we had my Mother In Law over from the UK and she was sleeping in the room next to her, so I was trying to minimise the disturbance!!!
So now, she will not go to bed for me, unless I stay in the room. Yesterday for her nap it took me 45 minutes of taking her back to bed, I eventually gave up and stayed in there until she fell asleep! I even tried closing her door, but no!!!! So this is the same at night time too. But..........when DH takes her to bed, she stays in bed and goes to sleep
He says and does the same as me, but after I've said the bedtime things, when I move away from her, she just gets out of bed. She doesn't do it for DH!!!!!
So, I know that she probably thinks she gets away with it with me, so how do I tackle this?
She goes to daycare 2 times a week and is perfect there's just me she plays up!!!!!
Raachel x