Perhaps not the best day to try? I don't know. We've been thinking Austin is ready for 1 nap for a week or so now but we knew we'd be traveling back home over the weekend so we just stuck with the old 20 min AM nap, 2h PM nap routine.
Yesterday we were traveling all day and he actually slept for 30 min on the 1st plane (to my amazement and joy!) but that was it for the rest of the day so he was up for 18h on that one nap. I got him to bed at 6:45 and he slept for 13 hours straight!
I couldn't believe it!
So this morning I decided to go for it and try for 1 nap. He's been up for 3h-ish before the 20 min AM nap so I tried this...
7:45: A
12:05: S
And got this...
1:15: A, happy as a clam
4:30: tried for a CN since he was very crabby and rubbing eyes, etc but he sat in bed singing
5: got him up
6:25: tried for bed
6:50: asleep
7:40: awake, crying hysterically, totally OT
So....obviously this has not worked very well so far!
I'm going to do 2 naps tomorrow and try again with 1 nap on Tuesday.
Should I keep him up longer for the 1st A time? Was that first nap UT, you think? Any other tips?