My ds is 6.5 months old. He is a great sleeper. We had been moving towards dropping cat nap and extending A time and for about a week we had the following routine:
7.00 wake and bottle
8.15 breakfast
9.30 nap
11.30 bottle
1.00 lunch
1.30 nap
3.30 milk
6.30 bath
7.00 bottle and bed till 7.00
He has now started to crawl/roll about loads and always wants to hold your fingers and toddle about. He basically hates to be still! As a result we seem to be back to naps between 9.30 to 11, 1.30 to 3 and then cat nap 5-6.
Is this regression normal for particularly active baby? Or should I try to see if we can drop cat nap again?