Author Topic: How long to let DD sit in highchair and eat?  (Read 1182 times)

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How long to let DD sit in highchair and eat?
« on: July 20, 2010, 21:28:54 pm »

I have an 11 month old who mostly feeds herself finger food.  She lets me spoon feed her yogurt and cereal but otherwise wants to feed herself.  I am happy to let her take the lead, as I am following the BLW ideas.  I offer her 3 meals plus one or two snacks, depending on our day.  I also breastfeed after meals and at wakeup time and bedtime.
She will sit in her chair for ages with her food, like an hour or longer.  She IS playing but also eating at the same time.  She usually doesn't finish everything I put in front of her.  When she wants out she will start to fuss, and then I take her out. 
I feel like an hour is too long, it takes too much out of her activity time and doesn't leave us much time to do other things. 
Is half an hour a reasonable time to be in the highchair? I guess she will eat until she is full and then play and munch (much as I would if a table full of food was in front of me!) until she gets bored.


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Re: How long to let DD sit in highchair and eat?
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2010, 23:36:47 pm »
I'd say anywhere from 15-30 minutes is good. If she starts slowing down on the eating...I'd clean her up and take her out...all the while saying or signing finished or all done. That way she will learn to associate those words with being done eating. Then hopefully she'll start to tell you she is done eating. If she makes a fuss and wants to stay, I'd let her, but only if she is still eating. If she doesn't fuss she probably is done eating but just doesn't know how to verbalize it yet and is content enough to sit there.

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Re: How long to let DD sit in highchair and eat?
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2010, 23:50:07 pm »
Not sure how you feel about this, but our policy was to not give toys in the high-chair at mealtimes.  DD was very interested in her food, anyway...she has always been a great eater...but we just took the "start as you mean to go" appraoch with that, too...we would sit and eat and talk...without toys...and it is still that way at 3.5!  Just brainstorming for you!  Maybe the less distraction, the better?


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Re: How long to let DD sit in highchair and eat?
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2010, 23:59:38 pm »
Oh I definitely don't give her any toys!  Sometimes a spoon though.  What I mean is that she will play with her food and eat it too.
I will try the shorter mealtime, I guess the idea is for her to learn that food is for eating, not playing with (eventually!).
Thanks for the advice. 

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Re: How long to let DD sit in highchair and eat?
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2010, 02:15:50 am »
Oh, ok...I see! Well, food IS fun, after all....all these new shapes and textures...perhaps while she is doing her thing and exploring, you could be putting some into her mouth here and there...just to move things along?

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Re: How long to let DD sit in highchair and eat?
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2010, 18:25:47 pm »
Hi !

I have been doing BLW with my 10.5 months since the beginning.He used to do what your LO do when he was 7 months. I also didn't enjoy that part of weaning. But as a result he loves his food and eat anything you give him!! I think your LO is doing fine.She will start to eat faster sometime soon.
I used to think(to stop myself getting frustated with the slow eating) that food time is also part of play time ! I think hurrying her up is not a good idea though. I think she is learning textures , shapes and new tastes so I would just leave her to it. I think she will enjoy food much more if you let her take the lead. ;)