Hugs honey

Okay. How long do the feeds last? Can you post a recent EASY showing what time wake up is, when BFs are, when naps are (what time and for how long)? Just so I can get a larger picture to see if there is anything I can see there.
In the meantime, how about offering both sides at feeds (if you aren't already)? And trying some cuddly skin on skin feeds when you can along with switch side nursing. I'd continue to feed on demand when you can during the day and to include a block or cluster feed in the early evening so babe gets a feed from both sides before bedtime.
Okay. Falling asleep at the breast was a real problem for me with DS. He used to feed for about an hour at a time and, GSs aside, could go 3h between feeds but that 1h long feed was a nightmare because he was constantly dropping off to sleep the whole time, with me waking him back up again, etc. Tricks I found that worked for me; taking him off the breast and sitting him up on my knee facing me (his eyes would pop open a bit), or changing his nappy part way through the feed, or removing a layer of clothing so he wasn't quite so cosy warm. I had to be really tough on myself though - to get him to the hind milk each time.
Do you think it could be that he's not taking enough at each feed?
Also want to check; no signs of reflux - not crying during the feed or unsettled so finishing the feed quickly or crying out about 40mins after a feed?
Let us know?