teething here.....up from 2 to 3 this am till neurofen worked and I finally had the courage to put Emma down again.
never really had NWing issue with either of them too much though since around the 3 mth mark so it has always been teething and/or illness here as they went together with Oscar.
Have battled EWings with Oz on and off for the past 2+yrs. Originally caused by lots going on - p/training, BBB transition, nap to no nap and then once in the chronic cycle, OTness as well....
I finally figured at 4 and 3 mths he is NEVER going to sleep longer than 10.5, maybe 11 a night so I gradually moved his bedtime up to 10pm over 3 weeks at the end of June and I am now enjoying unbelievable lie ons till 8.30 or even 8.45 am everyday (usually I HAVE to get up for 6am termtime....). Haven't slept that late EVERYDAY in around 5 yrs the summer I was pg with him LOL!!!!
S x