Caleb just woke from his nap at 50mins, screaming and crying, i went in to put him back down again and he reached out for me, i put him down and left, he became distraught and terrified, screaming so hard i thought he was going to vomit, ive never heard him like this before. i went in to put him down and try and pat him, that took alot of work but i managed to get him calm again with patting, then i left, he stood straight up and began again, screaming like a banshee. I went in to put him down and he was jumping up, lifting his leg over the side of the cot rail, which he has never done before, he was frantic. I put him back down and left, had to go straight back in due to the intense screaming! the look on his face was pure terror. i took him out of the cot and he held to me for dear life, crying frantically for the next 15mins. the only thing that calmed him was me walking around, as soon as I stopped or sat down he would become frantic again, throwing himself around, pushing himself on me, flopping on the floor crying then coming back up to me over and over. even now 30 mins later hes pretty fragile, keeps just crying at random times, comes up to me and pulls onto my lap then flopping onto the floor crying.
Is this a night terror or what? I have no idea whats gotten into him