Madi will be 21 months on the 11th of August and her routine has been the same for a very long time now.
wake around 7am
nap around 12:30pm-2:30pm
bedtime 7:45pm
We had a few months of EWs(6:30am) and I believe by gradually reducing her nap from 2.5hours to 2hours and 10min, in combination with the right A before bed, she was waking at 7am. We do have the occasional EW but nothing severe.
This morning she woke up at 5:30am crying. I normally wait a few minutes to see if she settles but this time she didn't. I went into her room and found her teddies on the floor. I assumed that is why she was crying. I gave them to her and left the room. Let me tell you, she absolutely freaked.
She cried and cried like someone was strangling her. I attempted WI/WO a few times, but that only further agrivated her. I decided to sit at the edge of her bed, comfort her by telling her that mommy is here and it is time to sleep. She looked like she was going to settle but then a few minutes later she started naming her body parts and rolling around in her bed. She seemed very restless at first and then she began to play. I wonder if it was because I was in the room with her. After an hour and a half of this she finally rolled on her tummy and fell asleep at 6:50am. I am planning to wake her at 7:30am this morning and aim for her usual nap time.
I am such a perfectionist that when something goes wrong I tend to overanalyze things.
Anyhow, I have been debating if I should push her nap forward but am a little skeptical because it seems she likes to nap a little earlier now. On days that I do push her nap out, due to waking up earlier, she wants to nap longer then 2hours. If I wake her, she becomes the crankiest toddler I know.
Should I leave it as is and reduce her daytime nap to 2hours on the dot? Is it possible that her teeth are bothering her? If this persists, should I push her nap out? Was it a good idea for me to sit at the edge of her bed?
During this moment, I kept thinking horrid thoughts of me in her room trying to settle with a nb crying in the other room.