Well the technique is shush-pat. But, I don't know how many babies are realistically sleeping independently much before they are 3-4 months old. If that is your goal, that is the method to use, but it will probably be very time consuming especially at such a young age.
Tiny babies just are extremely inconsistent, and also they are not alike so she may be quite different from her brother in what she is like with regard to sleep. don't worry about schedule at all - EASY is a routine which is just about the order of the steps. Feeding to sleep is not a disaster at this age, especially if it is not at every nap.
If you are willing to look at other alternatives, the Ss from Happiest Baby on the Block may help for the short term, and you can look at addressing any props which may arise from it if/when they become a problem. They are Swaddle, Suck (give paci), Side or Stomach (have her lying on her side or stomach across your legs while you are getting her to sleep), Swing (have her lie (side or stomach) on your legs, and swing somewhat vigorously from side to side), Shush (loudly, as per shush-pat). Those are his 5 Ss which work really well in the fourth trimester (ie the first 3 months after birth).