Author Topic: Re assurance that things will get better  (Read 923 times)

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Offline bexter12

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Re assurance that things will get better
« on: August 22, 2010, 17:38:55 pm »
Hi there, I'm new to this forum and am in desperate need of some support regarding daytime naps.

This is my first baby and from day 1 I spoke to the midwives & health visitors regarding my concerns over the lack of day time sleep my son was getting, each time being told (and only last week I was told this again after re-raising my issues) he's a baby let him do what he wants or some babies don't need alot of sleep when I can clearly see that my son is severely over tired.

a bit of background info first - i didn't get hold of Tracy's book until Bailey was 8 weeks (he's now 12 weeks) and i wish I'd had it from the beginning as I'm sure it would have eradicated alot of the issues I'm having. I was also ignored by the midwives and health visitors about my concerns over his digestion - anyway, 6 weeks persistence got me confirmation that he has colic and reflux. He's on comfort milk for Colic and has medication for reflux. This was where my issues first started with daytime sleep.

I have a 12 week old baby who from day 1 hasn't had enough sleep which has resulted in horrendous naps, i spend all day fighting to get him to sleep. He wont fall asleep in the pram or car seat either so I have one very over tired baby.

I'm following the easy routine and love it however, these naps are now causing serious issues and by 4 o'clock every day i have one seriously unhappy baby. we're currently at 10-20 minutes maximum and not being able to get back to sleep after.

I keep saying to myself tomorrow will be better and we'll get there but all that happens is he's even more tired than before. I am so desperately trying to help the poor little mite catch up on some sleep but its near on impossible. I'd appreciate any advise people have on combating the overtired cycle and that things will get better. I only have 3 months left at home before I have to go back to a stressful job and I want to enjoy my time with Bailey. At the moment I feel as though I'm trapped inside trying constantly trying to get him to sleep.

Thanks in advance x

Offline JBsMommy

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Re: Re assurance that things will get better
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2010, 18:04:18 pm »
Welcome to BW!
Wanted to offer some (((((HUGS)))))!!!

I can remember feeling trapped inside trying to make sure that I fit in enough short naps to avoid an OT cycle. It was very frustrating at times. I didn't get the BW book either until my DD was around 8 weeks. Before that, she wouldn't sleep more than 20 minutes at a time unless she was being held. I remember thinking I would never be able to get out of my living room chair! But once I started with the BW advice, things SLOWLY started to turn around. It took a lot of time. I had lots of people, even my pediatrician, telling me to let her CIO, but I just couldn't and wouldn't do that. I know it's hard to see right now, but it will be worth it in the end. People are amazed at how my DD will climb right in bed at naptime/bedtime and go right to sleep on her own with no objections. It takes time...but things will get better!

I never had to deal with colic or reflux, but I know lots of moms on here have, and I'm sure that they will have some advice on how to help your LO sleep more comfortably. And the nap moderators will have great advice too! They helped me out a lot!

Hang in there! Things will get better!

Offline anna*

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Re: Re assurance that things will get better
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2010, 18:19:05 pm »
(((((hugs))))) and welcome to the boards ;D

You need to be enjoying your time with Bailey. And he needs some sleep. Will he sleep if you pop him in a sling, straight after his morning feed? For a really tiny baby I think there's not much that's better than a sling for getting them caught up on sleep.

Offline bexter12

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Re: Re assurance that things will get better
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2010, 19:20:22 pm »
Hi there thanks for coming back to me so quickly. Unfortunately I can't use a sling,suffered s.p.d for the last 3months of my pregnancy and am still suffering with my back and hips so I can't take his weight for that long!

Nighttime is perfect he sleeps till 5 then has an hour but the fun begins after that. He will only sleep whilst I hold him thro the day but things are getting worse when I put him down. I have tried putting him to sleep awake but that only last 20 mins. He is swaddled - much to the horror of my healthvisitor!! But his jolts are so bad he wakes suddenly and I can feel his heart beating fast becuase of it which then wakes him up. I am using a dummy due to the issues we had at the beginning. He doesn't need it to stay asleep at night but needs it through the day.

I've tried White noise, swings, lullabies you name it! I know if I can get over this tirdness issue he'll be fine. He does pick things up quickly. He does wake up yawning on a morning, do u think it's best to put him back to sleep again?

Thanks again Ive had to get over so many hurdles and this is the last one! X

Offline kerryt

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Re: Re assurance that things will get better
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2010, 19:34:48 pm »
Hi there:-)

What time does your LO go to bed at night?

Offline anna*

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Re: Re assurance that things will get better
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2010, 19:35:18 pm »
Yes! Put him back down to sleep as soon as you spot the yawn! At this age they can only manage maximum about 1.5hrs awake, and that includes feeding and winding down, and if he's really overtired he will need even less than that. Try treating that 5am waking as a night feed - no nappy change, no talking, no lights on, just feed and resettle. Then in the daytime you could try putting him down using shush-pat when he has been awake no longer than about 50 mins, and see how that goes. Get the swaddle really good and tight.

Offline bexter12

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Re: Re assurance that things will get better
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2010, 07:17:46 am »
Thank you. He's in bed fast asleep for 8 at the latest. We put him to bed last night at 7 because he was so tired.

He's woke at 6 this morning and we managed to get him to sleep till 8 but that was an unsettled sleep with alot of stirring but better than nothing. He's still tired so going to change him then back to sleep see how that works.

This forum is fantastic and I'd like to thank you all for taking the time to reply. You do a fantastic job helping people such as myself x