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Offline aidenmc

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What is happening?
« on: August 18, 2010, 01:59:18 am »
I'm not sure if anyone can help me figure out what is going on with my lo who is five weeks old. From birth he had a great latch and i've not had any pain or anything. However, I'm never sure how Samuel is going to nurse. Sometimes he latches on, drinks and drinks and seems satisfied with one breast. Other times he wants the second one. Often, however, he will stop as soon as he needs burping and will refuse any more. He will also often bob on and off the breast or suck for a few seconds and then come off crying. This then sets off a long period of fussiness and crying. Often I am convinced he is still hungry (and sometimes he eventually nurses and then settles). I also think maybe he's tired and try to put him to sleep but he will not settle. Today this started after he woke from a very short nap (20-30 minutes which followed a nice 1.5 hour nap) at 4:30pm. For the next four hours he would not stay asleep and alternated between screaming and crying and quiet awake. At one point he did seems to take some milk but after a while he seemed to gulp some air (this happens frequently during these bouts - he swallows air and comes off crying) and that was it. Finally I handed him off to dh at 8:30. He seemed much calmer with him (probably sensed my own stress by that point?) and did drift off only to awaken again when put down. He then gave him a bottle of formula (we are doing 1 per day) and I think he is finally falling asleep - hopefully for the night - at almost 10pm! So, he has not had a proper nap (i.e., more than 10 minutes) for the last 5.5 hours!

Has anyone experienced this? Is this normal newborn evening fussiness? I just can't figure out the bobbing on and off the breast. My other two los used to be fairly happy to at least suck for comfort, but he seems to get too worked up to either nurse or sleep properly.  I have had people suggest reflux but it just doesn't seem to be very consistent.
Mom to Kieran (10/15/2000); Aiden, (7/ 8/ 2005); and Samuel (7/10/2010)

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Re: What is happening?
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2010, 02:48:51 am »
Have you had a look yet at the Reflux101 post? Some of this sounds like something might be at play here and reflux is a possibility. See if anything here raises a red flag for you:

When Josie's started up it was off and on but got more consistent as the days and weeks passed. By three months she and all of us were a mess from the puking and screaming and lack of sleep.

Offline Tay

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Re: What is happening?
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2010, 20:29:20 pm »
((hugs)) Don't let it stress you out too much! We're here for you! ;)

I think Deb might have a point, what do you think?
Another thing that is coming to my head is OT... could you post us your routine so we can have an idea of whats happening on your LOs day?

Offline aidenmc

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Re: What is happening?
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2010, 02:31:02 am »
To be honest I suspect both reflux and OT. If it does turn out to be reflux i would guess that it is the silent kind because we rarely see spit up (although we often hear wet burps). I have looked at the reflux symptoms and he does seem to have a lot of them - sometimes: frequent hiccups (usually after he is burped whereupon he won't nurse anymore), gulping, choking (sometimes will hold his breath then gasp), fussing during/after feeding, etc. He rarely shows this behaviour during the night, mind you. He is also a very gassy boy (grunting and farting through the night often  ::)).

OT is also a possibility (or perhaps it is a combination of OT and reflux). Our routine, to be honest, does vary day by day. I generally have an EASY order of things, unless things get particularly messed up. At night he is in our room and he ends up in the bed for much of the night because he is hard to get back into his cot sometime and tbh i am so tired in the night that I just pull him in with me. I plan to change this and move him to his own crib in a few weeks (or perhaps sooner). As a result, he sometimes nurses an hour or so before waking.

He usually wakes at 8:45-9:15.
S - 9:45-10:15 - he likes to go back down very soon after waking - will sleep 45 min-1.5 hrs (he doesn't fall asleep independently yet - usually is in our arms with a swaddle and soother and patting on his back or bum. Plan to start shush/pat within a few weeks)
E - upon waking (I am starting to think he is emptying one breast in 9 minutes - at least that's how long he stays on

I usually think of sleep for him within an hour of waking - sometimes less, sometimes slightly more. When he has a bad feed things get off track sleepwise and I think then we end up with OT as well. I also suspect it happens in the other direction. I think he has a hard time latching on and tends to gulp and choke more when OT.

Mom to Kieran (10/15/2000); Aiden, (7/ 8/ 2005); and Samuel (7/10/2010)

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Re: What is happening?
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2010, 05:38:22 am »
definantly worrth looking at reflux info closely - that way you can get on top of it early (if its reflux), it does get worse the older they get if unmanaged. 

Relfux is cyclic, there are days where you think they are the picture of comfort and no problems. Then for reasons you can't put a finger on, they will go bad for a run of days and in pain.

Offline Tay

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Re: What is happening?
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2010, 19:35:58 pm »
EloysH is absolutely right. With DS he started getting worst with the reflux at around 6 weeks and didn't really spit up until he was probably around 8 weeks.
Why don't you post on the CRC board to hear other reflux mamas opinions?

Offline aidenmc

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Re: What is happening?
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2010, 19:59:35 pm »
I think I will post on CRC and see what those mammas have to say. That being said, today Samuel has been sleeping a lot. After taking about 5 45 minute naps yesterday and a very fussy night last night, today he has been wanting to go back to sleep right away after waking. Again he is waking at 45 minutes and although he initially seems reading to get up he quickly becomes fussy. So we' ve been getting him right back to sleep (once in the moby wrap - he woke quite happy from that and nursed quite well - no fussing at the breast!). Actually on the occasion where I put him in the wrap he had awoken from a 45 minute nap and seemed hungry. However after a couple of minutes he just started fussing. I decided to take for a walk in the wrap with my boys and he had a good long sleep. So, I am also going to work on the assumption that his fussing is tiredness-related and see if we can get him back to taking longer naps.
Mom to Kieran (10/15/2000); Aiden, (7/ 8/ 2005); and Samuel (7/10/2010)

Offline Tay

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Re: What is happening?
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2010, 20:08:05 pm »
Do post there... the more I read your posts the more it sounds like the way DS was: one day he would be REALLY unsettled, the next I would be convinced he was probably just OT because he was fine. Then he would be bad again, then I would think it was wind, then I would think it was oversupply, then we would get two brilliant days... You see what I mean.
The one thing that always worked for us on those early weeks (4-9wks) was the wrap, it was garanteed to get him some extra sleep (which was also due to the reflux, since he was upright). I did use it as much as I could to make sure DS wouldn't get too OT.

Offline aidenmc

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Re: What is happening?
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2010, 20:13:57 pm »
I see what you mean Tay. I suspect I will be spending some time on the CRC board in the future...
Mom to Kieran (10/15/2000); Aiden, (7/ 8/ 2005); and Samuel (7/10/2010)