Author Topic: Too much Milk?  (Read 1467 times)

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Too much Milk?
« on: August 15, 2010, 18:01:14 pm »
Hey, I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this? Reason I've put it here is because it relates to soya milk but if it needs moving mods please feel free!  ;D

Since the hot weather my ds has reintroduced the middle of the day feed that he dropped when he was still breastfed. I've been perfectly fine with this as the dietician told me and dh that he wasn't getting enough milk and we needed to increase. My mum, however keeps telling me he has too much. ds is 15months now, he dropped the morning bottle a few weeks ago, so he's having between 7-8oz at 12pm and 10 - 12oz at bedtime. He eats all his dinner and lunches - rare to leave anything (she's complains about this too!) And he has 2 snacks a day. 1 of fruit, 1 of crisps.

So do you think I'm giving too much milk? He also drinks 1-2 cups of water a day. (approx 10oz)

Offline Mashi

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Re: Too much Milk?
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2010, 18:22:18 pm »
It's not too-too much milk, advice in most countries is 16 ounces from this age, but it's two extra "meals" that he should start weaning off of at this age.  From one, solids is the main form of nutrition and milk in large volumes should be avoided; the intention is to have LOs drink milk as a "beverage" that they have through the day and/or with meals in smaller quantities. So instead of having milk 2x per day and in volumes where he is filling his tummy and using it as a large calorie meal, it would be good to start moving him towards having a breakfast of solid food with a few ounces of milk as a drink. He can have a few more with his morning snack, a few more with lunch, some for afternoon snack, with dinner, and a few before bed...would all add up to his 16-20 ox per day, iyswim.  It isn't necessarily something that he will take to in a couple of days, but might take a few weeks to transition him to the idea of it over a couple of weeks.


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Re: Too much Milk?
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2010, 18:24:06 pm »
So he has between 17-20 oz...sounds within normal range to me (something is twigging that it's 16 oz a day??), Spencer is 2 and getting 21oz of soy milk a day, she was actually at 28 oz and still eating well until DH and I realized how much we were giving her and cut it back!!  Since she isn't getting calcium from any other source I'm not cutting her milk back until she can have dairy products (if ever!)

Posting at the same time as Mashi...we split our milk into 3-7oz drinks, one with breakfast, one after lunch and one with her after nap snack...but no amount of milk has ever affect her eating solids as I have seen in some kids.

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Re: Too much Milk?
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2010, 19:07:33 pm »
Sounds fine to me too!  Dylan currently drinks soy milk too, and he has 10oz first thing in the morning (we do it like a "feed" because mornings are so rushed with work, the milk tides him over until he can have breakfast at daycare), 4-5oz with lunch, and about 8-10oz in the evenings (with dinner and pm snack).  Plus I'm still doing a bedtime breastfeed!  He's a good eater though - 3 meals plus 2 snacks every day :o

We are in the same situation as Heidi - with Dylan's dairy allergy he's not really getting calcium from any other source so I'm keeping his milk intake where it is :)
D ~ dairy, egg, peanut/nut and mustard allergies
Proud to have breastfed for over 24 months!

Offline Mum to F&A

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Re: Too much Milk?
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2010, 20:32:49 pm »
Thanks for the replies. That was my thinking. He's the same not getting any other dairy sources and the dietician told us he would need to be on the soya formula until at least the age of 2.

It's just one of those cases where everyone around me was telling me it was too much milk so thought I'd check on BW!  ;D