Author Topic: Newbie with womit issues  (Read 2862 times)

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Re: Newbie with womit issues
« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2010, 10:30:49 am »
She may be having a growth spurt. Can you "tank her up" on a few more calories in the daytime, especially in the afternoon and evenings? You may have to experiment tofind a good amount where she's not overeating or undereating, but as she grows and gets more active her food needs will increase.

Some babies cry as a way of settling. What kind of cry is it? Is it s tired cry, a whimper, more angry like you were describing before? Are you still giving pain meds before sleep time? Will she tolerate a topical teething gel? (Some babies do, others hate the stuff.)

At bedtime, does she have a "lovey," a comfort item she snuggles with? How about a night light? If she doesn't have a lovey, maybe the two of you can shop together for a bedtime companion (and make sure you buy 2 or 3 because it WILL need to get laundered and one WILL be forgotten someplace else ::)). Our girls have had quiet music playing for bedtime; every so often now they sit with their dad and pick songs and burn a CD on the computer, and you can keep the music on an MP3 player for travel too.

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Re: Newbie with womit issues
« Reply #16 on: September 17, 2010, 11:08:39 am »
I think sometimes signs or boredom can look like tired signs so it might help to get out of the house around this time or start playing an active game. That might be why she perked up when you went to your neighbours. She probably just needs distracting. I would say 2.5-3hrs is much too short an activity time for a 1yo. I think your 11am naptime seems to be working so maybe stick with that.
I am quite surprised that she is eating solids in the middle of the night! You are very patient to get up and make her food at 4am. Do you think it might help just to offer her a drink of water instead? She may be getting in the habit of eating in the middle of the night and that will only reinforce the NW. How many milk feeds is she getting during the day? Is it formula still? Could you try to increase her calories during the day and then refuse the food at night by only offering water?  When you say she ate really well what sort of quanitities is she having? Is it high calorie/fat foods? I'm just thinking if she fills up on fruit and veg for example it may leave her hungry in the middle of the night. Does she eats lots of complex carbohydrates and good fats?
I think she will stop crying at bedtime eventually. You did say you stay with her didn't you?
Well done on the improvements you have made already.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011