I know I am putting my son down too early for the night, just wondering if anyone can help with what's going on at the moment.
He is 17 weeks and gets tired after about 2 hours of being awake. Today is a good example of my problem. He will be waking up in the next half hour or so, so that means he will be tired again at 4ish. I have been bathing him around half 4 and putting him down at 5. I'll say at this point he is not my first, but when he was first born he was so crabby post 5 we thought it was that he needed to be away from noise.
However, I have now read that by 4 months the deep sleep is at the first part of the night, so by the time I get to bed it's done with!
Last night he woke up 4 times before 9. I tried to keep him in his bed ( we have been co-sleeping since day 1), but he spent an hour or so awake from midnight, I didn't get to sleep til half 1 and then got 5 hours of still broken sleep til we got up. So I can't even contemplate sleeping apart at the moment as I have no energy to look after my 2.9 year old daughter.
So should I give him a short nap around 4, see if I can keep him up til about 6 then bath him and put him down? And is it likely that these excessive wakings are a growth spurt? He had been going 3.5 hours between feeds before and not really waking at all once in with me after 10pm.
He has also been doing this kind of screech and arching his back and not wanting to feed. This is after half 4/half 5 in the morning.
Sorry so many questions, but I am so confused as to what to do and soooo tired!