DD (3.5 years), I think needs to drop her nap. The past month she has shown signs, but not enough to do something as dramatic as not offer it. However, the past week, with a nap, she has been struggling to fall asleep at night. She was playing in her room as late as 9pm/9.30pm then waking around 6am and very tired in the morning from losing that good night sleep. We've done a few days with no nap and she has been in bed anywhere from 6pm - 6.45pm and asleep straight away and is doing a very good night of around 12 hours, perhaps more as I'm not sure what time she actually woke this morning. But she seems so so tired during the day. Should I offer her a few nap days or given that she is 3.5 years, let her body adjust to this change. Just curious what to expect. I know she would happily take a nap during the day, but even though she wants to go to bed on a nap day, her body finds it very hard to fall asleep at night. And the nap was getting quite late in the day anyway, around 1.30pm sometimes 2pm - but I'd wake her at 3.30pm and like I said this has only just started to affect her bedtime. With the nap I was quite happy for her to stay up a bit later and go to bed around 7.30pm/8pm - as long as she was getting 10 hours sleep at night and a 2 hour nap, she was good. Now that nights are less than 10 hours, I think something needs to change. I have thought about waking her after an hour of her nap but she's absolutely miserable if I do that - almost better to either let her sleep her 2 hours or not offer it at all. I've also thought about her napping every 2nd day so she doesn't feel so tired?