Author Topic: Need help with EWs DESPERATELY 2.5 years old. Gro-clock - other ideas?  (Read 3794 times)

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Re: Need help with EWs DESPERATELY 2.5 years old. Gro-clock - other ideas?
« Reply #15 on: October 26, 2010, 20:56:40 pm »
Didn't try anything yet (apart from the light on a timer) as we are going away in the am for a week and I didn't want to "start" anything before we go.
OK - am going to go quiet now as we are on vacation tomorrow am for a week!  Gus will be in a big bed while we are away (uggg!) and we will be using the Gro Clock (google it and you'll see what it is - haven't got time to explain now as am trying to finish packing!)  This morning he woke at 5am as usual for a pee and then he went back to bed without too much fuss (a little, but did not have a total fit as usual).  He cried on and off and I told him that I would come in when his light came on (at 6.30am).  Well, I set my alarm for 6.28 so I could be sure to see the light come on under his door - and lo and behold, he'd obviously gone back to sleep and didn't even wake up when the light came on!!  He didn't wake until 6.50am actually!
BUT, he refused his nap today - which I was kind of expecting.  The gro clock COULD work for us - but I fear the nap may go out the window.  The only thing will be being in a big bed when we are away which may limit our chances of him staying in bed - it's going to be an interesting week!
Will check in when I get back.  He's been a bit of a monster this afternoon with no nap - not sure whether he's in one of those moods of if he's tired.  We have a taxi at 6.30am tomorrow, so it's going to be an early start - Ive been awake since 5am today .....
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Offline rach321

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Re: Need help with EWs DESPERATELY 2.5 years old. Gro-clock - other ideas?
« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2010, 08:02:35 am »
Hope you have a fabulous holiday.  I have a very spirited 2 yr old and the gro-clock is the only thing that has worked for us.  You have to be totally consistent with it though - especially with a spirited one! We have gone from 4.15am wake-ups to 5.30-6am wake-ups, yeah he still wakes earlier than most kids but he's happy to wake at 5.30am and sit quietly playing with his soft toys or cars in his bed until the sun comes up on his clock and for a kid that used to wake the entire household screaming every single day that is massive progress! We occaisionally get a lie-in  - best we've managed is 6.45am so I am optimistic that one day he will sleep to a sensible time but in the meantime at least now he wakes up happy and is quiet until the sun comes up on his clock. Hope that helps.