Haven't been on here in a while but struggling today
so I thought I'd pop by and see if my BW'ers could shed any light. Just noticed my ticker isn't up to date - the wee one is 20 mos.
Been having ew's for a while now - 5 or 5:30am and really we've just been managing. On weekdays all 4 of us need to be ready, fed and out the door at 7:30 so a 6 or 6:30 wakeup is what we need anyways. He's usually to bed around 6:30pm, getting 11(ish) hour nights.
But we're on the daycare's nap schedule, and this morning his first squawk was just before 4 and up for good at 4:30. We tried an earlier nap (9am) but he wasn't having it. Finally got him down around 10:30, and of course he'd unbeknownst to us turned the 60min timer on on his white noise machine, so in my brilliance I thought 'he's got to be sound asleep, I'll go in and turn it back on' which of course woke him up. So we are going to have a seriously o/t day I think.
So I guess two questions here - (1) can we fix our regular routine or should we just ride it out until something changes, as it always does? and (2) what should we do with the rest of today and tomorrow (Sunday - no daycare!) Thanks so much!!
Regular days look like this:
5:30 wakeup (but often closer to 5)
12:30 - 2:30 is the daycare's nap time, I wonder if they sometimes go down a bit earlier and I'm also not sure if he gets the full 2 hours
6:30 bedtime here
Today was like this
3:50 - a squawking, didn't check on him, not sure if he went back to sleep
4:30am up for good
10:30 - 11:30am nap interrupted and couldn't get him back down
what now??
If anyone can get us on track (if it can even be done) I know it will be you lot! Thank you so much!!!