Author Topic: Reflux?  (Read 1336 times)

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Offline Jen114

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« on: November 09, 2010, 22:39:01 pm »
I am a little confused. My dd who is now almost three had really bad reflux projectile vomiting every single feed morning noon and night she was put on all the medication you can think of. thank goodness that was over a long time again. now I have a beautiful boy now 8 weeks old and he is periodically suffering from colic ienthe stiffening and screaming but no projectile vomiting ..... The screaming go slightly better over the past few day but now he has vomited three days in a row at the same time around 6 during his last feed before bed time. What could it be? Colic, reflux, over feeding ? Hmm a little confused :( thanks for help

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Re: Reflux?
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2010, 11:13:10 am »
Hi Jen114,

Sorry to hear that you and your LO are having a rough time at the moment.
It certainly sounds like he could be suffering from all 3 from what you say and another thing to look out for is milk/soy protein intolerance usually accompanied by alot of windy pain in the intestines.   

Back arching and screaming are common reflux symptoms.  If they don't spit up it's called "silent relfux", they still reflux into their oesphagus after a feed, but then it goes back down and can be incredibly painful as the oesophagus becomes inflamed and in some cases even ulcerated. Colic usually starts getting better by 12 weeks as their digestive system matures where as if its reflux they will get worse if it's not managed.
So you daughter had reflux? Was it controlled with medication?  When did she grow out if it? As I understand, reflux can be genetically linked, so if one child has it the others are much more likely to be born with it.

Here is some basic info on reflux, maybe listing the symptoms that your baby is showing and taking them to a Dr for advice and a management plan is the way to go.

And keep posting there are alot of Mums out there with babies with reflux on the CRC board if you would like to find out more or just get some moral support.  :)

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Re: Reflux?
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2010, 13:35:09 pm »
Didn't think about the milk allergy my daughter had blood tests and the root of all evil was she was milk intollerant hmmm maybe this is the prob what to do now?

Offline Jen114

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More vomiting
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2010, 17:46:57 pm »
So the last three nights in a tow at the same exact time
My ds decides to vomit his feed we start with one breast at 5 have a bath burp etc the second breast after bath half way through he pulls off very quietly no crying screaming nothing he just has this funny look in his face and then it happens vomit starts coming out of his mouth it's like he is almost holding his breath do you think it's over feeding? Really frustrated!!

Offline EloysH

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Re: Reflux?
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2010, 10:31:29 am »
If you think she might have milk protein intolerance or soy protein intolerance the only way to properly confirm it is be on an elimination diet for 2-3 weeks, then reintroduce a glass of milk every day for a few days and watch for her reaction.  If she is intolerant she would probably react and get really fussy, windy, gassy within 24 hours of drinking the milk.

On the elimination diet, you would need to *not" eat all dairy or soy, including hidden dairy and soy too.

You can also be on the lookout for blood in her stools, it will appear as tiny little red flecks or dark spots.  If she has these then there is some inflammation and tiny bits of internal bleeding going on.  Which means she is tolerant to sometihng in your milk, most likely dairy.   Not all babies have this situation though, both my boys are intolerant to it and I never saw blood in their stools.

Here is some info:

There is also alot of info on the food allergies board about this.

HTH xx

Offline Vicku

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Re: Reflux?
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2010, 10:34:26 am »
You could try to cut out dairy products from your diet to see if it makes a difference.
Btw how did you get on with the mastitis? Did you get any antibiotics for it? Sometimes antibiotics can upset their tummies. Just wondering if that could be affecting him?

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Re: More vomiting
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2010, 10:38:31 am »
Ok, so I've merged your two topics Jen to keep all the advice in one place. Can get confusing for you otherwise and also it helps others to see the whole picture when they are posting advice :)

« Last Edit: November 12, 2010, 09:59:38 am by Vicku »
"Very Proud Mummy Blessed with 3 Spirited Girls"

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Offline Jen114

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Re: Reflux?
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2010, 17:28:25 pm »
Hi there yes was on antibiotics for a week so it could very well be but why only vomiting once ? But at the most vital feed the last one? I am currently doing that feed fingers crossed it won't be four nights in a row:)

Offline EloysH

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Re: Reflux?
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2010, 10:20:17 am »
To try and answer the question about the vomiting at the bedtime feed:
There are a few things that come to mind...

He could be swallowing quite alot of air during the feed (vedry common for refluxers) and doing a wet burp which causes the vomit, however from your description it sounds as though this isn't the case.   How does he feed? Is he fussing and on and off the boo at all? Is it aggressive ferocious feeding?

 How is your supply at this time of night on that second breast, is it still quite full and the flow fast?

  My LO has vomited like that when he has absolutely gorged himself and not had enough burps - it happened when he first started going 4 hours without a feed instead of 3 hours - he was soo hungry that he ate and swallowed alot of air and then burped it all back up in one big vomit. As a precaution, it can't hurt to do extra burping.

How long before the 5pm feed has he fed? If it is less than 3 hours maybe he is getting very full.  Do you have a big supply in general? Maybe he doesn't need other side?  I have a very big supply and fouind that my little refluxer could only cope feeding one sided even at bedtime  ::)

 It would help if you could post your feeding routine for the day.  Maybe the build up of feeds - causes him to feel stuffed. 

  The only other thing I can think of  which is a long shot could be that he he is reacting to something that you have eaten between noon and bedtime.  Do you have a milk or soy drink at all daily during these times?

hugs HTH

Offline Jen114

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Re: Reflux?
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2010, 17:40:54 pm »
Hey there thank you do much for your response! I do have a large supply of milk I fill up ptlritty quick . My feeding routine is 7,1030,230,5,630,1030. I generally wake up in the mornings so engorged !!

My little girl was a refluxer and this why I dint think it is that as she would vomit every feed and scream slot unless there are different grades of refluxing?

Basically when he vomits there is no warning it just happens. Oh yes he us a very noisy eater making lots of noises lol hope this info helps

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Re: Reflux?
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2010, 17:50:08 pm »
Looking at your feeding intervals he is going 3.5 hours, 4 hours, 2.5 hours then 1.5 hours - if it's only at that 6.30 post bath feed you are having issues I wonder if it is over feeding and his tummy is just too full?

If you are not noticing any other symptoms, if he is comfortable at all other feeds, between feeds and ok lying down flat then maybe reflux isn't your issue and tweaking those last feeds a bit could be your solution.


Offline Jen114

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Re: Reflux?
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2010, 18:04:20 pm »
So right now it's 645 and we had a vomit first he did a massive burp then I fed some more then went to wind him and h burped and vomited at the same time :(