Thanks for that.
He is 2 years and 3 months.
When you say I might need to do the WIWO for a long time, do you mean tonight and the next couple of nights or do you mean that I might be in for a couple of weeks of WIWO?
I'm just a little bit terrified because it took us forever to get him to sleep in the first place and we still have a lot of issues with his sleep due to reflux and ear infections. A woman from one of our playgroups moved her son, who was always a fantastic sleeper, from the smallest room into their second bedroom and he was still wonky months later which is worrying me a bit.
DH pointed out that it usually only takes a night or two to get used to sleeping at my parents but I get the room set up as similar to home as possible and I always make sure I don't change the layout there. I think this is a bigger disturbance for him because his safest environment has changed dramatically - mainly from the point of view of the cot moving across the room. I feel like that would be more disturbing for him than being asked to sleep in a different room - kind of like coming home and finding that someone has moved your kitchen to your living room and your bed into the lounge - kwim?
To complicate things, we are in the middle of potty training (just over a month in). DS had it perfect but got another ear infection which has sent everything wonky so now we have brilliant days and absolutely rubbish ones.
He's been in a horrid overtired loop caused by his last infection which we've just managed to break so the timing is probably stupid but I wanted to try to take the bull by the horns while we're not in a really rubbish patch.
It took about an hour and twenty minutes to get him down which is not so bad I guess. We used to do hours of WIWO in the early days, I think the longest I did was nearly 3 hours, but this time seemed much tougher, perhaps because the cot is further from the door now so it felt odd for me, like how far to walk into the room etc.
In the end he went to sleep with just about every single teddy that was in the cot in his arms (which is quite a lot of bears) and wanted to be able to see every single one individually which was pretty much impossible.
I'm dreading nap time tomorrow. Naps usually go very well but when they don't no amount of WIWO will get him to sleep although I keep it up to try to give the idea that he has to stay in his cot whatever so might as well sleep the next time round.
Just seen your post Anna, thanks. Strength vibes are very much needed as I'm feeling a bit pathetic at the moment.
Sorry, I've finished drivelling on now. I always intend my posts to be a whole lot shorter than they end up.