Author Topic: i want to start combining is this ok?  (Read 942 times)

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i want to start combining is this ok?
« on: December 08, 2010, 18:39:22 pm »
Hi all.

I've been exclusively breastfeeding my 7week old but finding it quite demanding. So recently have started to give him expressed breast milk during the day and the last feed at night is formular as he sleeps better, more full I guess. Is this ok? He seems happy enough and taking both types well. I feed him from the breast once a day just to keep my supply up as well. Don't know if I'm doing this right. His bowel movements have changed colour though, from yellow to
yellowish/green. Bit worried now. Have been doing this for two days now. I had a little accident and hav a slip disc and feeding ds is difficult on the back. Hence all this madness.

Offline Texomamama

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Re: i want to start combining is this ok?
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2010, 19:50:42 pm »
It is perfectly OK to combine BF and formula feeding.  I know there is a thread (or more) on here about this exact topic. Hopefully someone else will post it. You can do it the way you are doing now, where you BF at some feedings, and at other feedings, do a bottle with formula only .  Or, you can actually combine formula and Breastmilk in the same bottle.  You just prepare the formula per the instructions (use water to mix it do NOT use the breasmilk to prepare it) and then add whatever additional amount you want in breastmilk.  This is what I do with my 13 wk old.  I pump 3 times a day, and then prepare 2-3 bottles at one time.  I mix the powdered formula and water to make the amount I want, and then I add about 1 oz of bm in each bottle. 

Don't worry about the poop issue.  The color, odor and consistency of poop varies among BF and formula fed babies.  Babies who are BF, tend to have yellow, seedy poops, and babies who are formula fed tend to have greenish/brownish poops that are thicker. My LO's poops will vary, with some more yellow and then another one more green (sometimes she even starts out a poop one way and then it changes color halfway through.  Weird).