Author Topic: Low milk supply or should I just start feeding on both sides?  (Read 1227 times)

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Low milk supply or should I just start feeding on both sides?
« on: December 11, 2010, 21:13:20 pm »
Hi!  My LO is 11 weeks and he was 13.9 lbs at his 2 month appt, so he's quite big as well. I breast feed, but we also give him formula sometimes as well, when I feel especially empty, or when we're out and about and I can't BF as easily. 

I have a couple of questions.  First of all, up until 9-10 weeks, my LO was eating every 2 hours.  I finally got him onto a mostly 3 hr EASY (no less than 2.5 hours now), but my milk didn't seem to increase at all with the last growth spurt.  I did a yield the other night (and this was almost 5 hours since the last feed, because I give him a bottle of formula for his dream feed)  and I only got 2 oz out of each breast.  last time I did a yield I was getting 3 oz out of one breast and 4 out of the other.  I'm not sure if I'm producing less milk because we've been giving formula sometimes, or if it's because of stress?  I also thought it could be because when we started doing the dream feed he would sleep 5 hours after we gave it, so I wasn't BFing him from 7PM until he woke up around 4 or 5 AM. I started giving him formula in the first place because I was afraid he wasn't getting enough even after the last growth spurt, but it seems to have made matters worse. If I choose not to BF him for a feeding and give him a bottle instead, do I have to pump every time to keep my supply up?  I knew my breasts would feel empty after my milk leveled out so to speak, but now they feel empty all the time and my LO does seem hungry sooner than he should be sometimes.  But other times he lasts 3 hours just fine, so it's inconsistent.  I was just wondering if maybe my breasts are producing less milk in one breast at a time, and now that he's eating on both sides, maybe he's getting 3 oz out of each breast so it's adding up to about 6 oz?  Or should I be producing 5-6 oz out of one breast and when I offer him the other side it should just be extra or something? 

My DS1 couldn't sleep more longer than 3 hours at a time at night until he was 6 months and that's when I weaned BFing, so I've always thought maybe I had a low supply with him and didn't realize it, or that he just digested it faster and the formula stayed in his tummy longer.  I really wanted to try and BF with DS2 as long as I can, but I'm really tempted to just switch to formula after the holidays, because I hate feeling like he isn't getting enough. 

Sorry if this is confusing, but I would really appreciate any advice!

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Re: Low milk supply or should I just start feeding on both sides?
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2010, 22:05:46 pm »
if your giving 1 bottle at differant times you shouldnt need to pump at that time, only if its uncomfortable (so if today you gave him one at 5pm and then tommorow gave another forumla bottle at 2pm it should be fine)

If you feed from both breasts your breasts will know this and will provide his total feed through both so you will probabay find he gets 3 oz from each breast

As for increasing supply other ladies will have to help

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Offline deckchariot

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Re: Low milk supply or should I just start feeding on both sides?
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2010, 22:31:59 pm »
The yield test is really not an accurate indicator of how much milk you are producing.  Our bodies are really wonderfully designed to adjust to meet our bub's needs.  You've been bfing long enough now that your body is adjusting to what he needs.  A pump can never get as much as your bub could.  So please don't be distressed over the lower yield when you pump - it really is not an indicator of how  much your body is producing. 

The best way to increase your supply is by bfing.  So, if you are doing a bottle a day and skipping a nursing session, your body will assume that you've cut out a feeding.  I always pumped for the df and dh gave a bottle.  I would pump then while he gave the bottle (or some other time in the day) to make sure I still got some stimulation  - even though it wasn't as great as actually doing a feed.  I didn't have to pump at the same time (though sometimes I would be uncomfortable overnight if I didn't).  So I would make sure you're pumping at some point in the day or your body will adjust to fewer feeds.

Here's a great link on how to really determine if your supply is truly low:

When my dd was around the same age as your ds, I started doing double sided feeding as well.  And yes, as pp said, the total of both sides is what he's getting - and if he's gaining weight and producing enough "output", then he's getting enough.


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Re: Low milk supply or should I just start feeding on both sides?
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2010, 20:47:03 pm »
I was going to say exactly what Michelle just said: the yield test doesn't really give you an accurate picture of where your supply is. I remember pumping for 20min, getting absolutely not a single drop more on the pump and the putting DS to the breast and hearing him gulping! The safest measure of your supply is how often your LO is hungry, how happy he is after feeds, wet and dirty nappies, sleep, milestones etc.

Giving some formula might reduce your supply if it's done on a regular basis and you're not pumping at those times - your body learns to produce that amount less. But again, like pps said, all you need to do is to get back to feeding at those times and your supply should adjust.

I would definately try double sided feeding at this stage, but just make sure your LO is draining one side before you offer the other. You can also try to make sure your LO is getting the hindmilk.
What do you think?

Offline rumecosa

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Re: Low milk supply or should I just start feeding on both sides?
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2010, 03:38:04 am »
Thank you so much for responding, and sorry I haven't been back!  You all gave excellent advice!  I'm relieved to hear you all say the yield isn't always completely accurate, because it's scary to only pump 2 ounces when he should be getting 4-6 oz a feeding!  I think he's getting enough to eat, because he has plenty of dirty diapers, and he can go at least 2.5 hrs between feeds if not 3 most of the time.  He hasn't really been happy after feeds, and I was thinking he was still hungry, but he got diagnosed with reflux today, so I think he was in pain from eating.  A lot of the puzzle pieces fell into place when the doctor said he has reflux.  He prescribed us some medication and we are looking forward to some sweet relief! 

Thanks again! 
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Offline deckchariot

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Re: Low milk supply or should I just start feeding on both sides?
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2010, 14:05:05 pm »
so sorry to hear he has reflux, but wonderful that you have some answers!!!  Be sure to check out the board for some extra support!

Offline Tay

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Re: Low milk supply or should I just start feeding on both sides?
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2010, 20:02:08 pm »
It's good to get a diagnosis though isn't it? At least you know what is going on and can deal with it better. I would also suggest the CRC Board, there's lots of reflux mamas there who are all lovely and full of experience.