Nap in our house has always been in the middle of the day, so 12.30-2.30 (up at 7, bed at 7), but you might find it difficult to get her down that early if she is used to carrying on without a nap. What we are doing with dd1 (she is older, but just at the beginning of dropping her nap) is giving her stories on a CD to listen to - she goes to bed at about 1, tucked up in the dark, and listens to the stories, then she can come and find us when they are finished (takes about 1h15). We do this maybe 2-3 times a week, and insist on a nap the other days. She often falls asleep listening to the stories as well, but even if she doesn't, it's a good way to get her to have a rest. When she does sleep we wake her at 2.30 to preserve bedtime, although on the days when she naps she takes a bit longer to actually fall asleep - she's quiet though, so it doesn't bother us!
Perhaps you could try something similar for your dd if she is used to playing through her quiet time - it might mean that you can phase the nap back in without having to have the all-out tantrum that you had today? Maybe if she went with you to buy a special CD it might be more exciting and you might get her down without a fight.