DD's sleep is falling apart. I am pretty sure she is starting to get her canine teeth because all 4 of them have moved up under the gums. She was sleeping a good 13-14 hours at night with a 1.5-2 hr nap. Then a few days before Christmas she started waking several times a night (sometimes for an hour or more), screaming bloody murder, and taking an hour and 10 minute nap at most. Her personality has done a 180 too. She used to be such a happy girl, didn't really throw tantrums, listened and obeyed directions very well, and was a joy to be around. Now she is constantly screaming, throwing fits about the stupidest things, biting, and is the most unpleasant girl ever!
Last night and today was pretty typical of the last couple of weeks so here it is:
Bed on Tuesday - 8:15 pm
woke - 11:45 - went back to sleep after about 20 minutes
woke - 1:35 - went from sleep to screaming bloody murder instantly and it took almost 2 hours to get her to stay asleep
woke - 5:05 - again instant screaming and an hour before she went back to sleep
Woke for the day - 8:03
Nap - 1:10
Woke - 2:30 - tried for 20 minutes to get her back to sleep but no luck
Bed - 7:40
woke - 9:40 - went back to sleep after 30 minutes but has been making noise (moaning or soft crying) every 5-10 minutes for almost an hour now.
The NWings are getting more frequent and longer and I am not getting much sleep at all. DH has a very physically demanding job which he starts early in the am so I can't rely on him to get up with her very much.....so it is all me. I have tried pain medicine (tylenol, motrin, both, teething gel/tablets) and everything else I can think of. Nothing seems to make any difference. She also seems to be getting a cold, but it is just a super snotty nose so it might also be teething. Is this just our new normal until the teeth break through? Or does it sound like there might be something else going on?