Author Topic: Is this typical of teething canines or is something else going on?  (Read 24502 times)

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Offline BareFootMomma

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DD's sleep is falling apart. I am pretty sure she is starting to get her canine teeth because all 4 of them have moved up under the gums. She was sleeping a good 13-14 hours at night with a 1.5-2 hr nap. Then a few days before Christmas she started waking several times a night (sometimes for an hour or more), screaming bloody murder, and taking an hour and 10 minute nap at most. Her personality has done a 180 too. She used to be such a happy girl, didn't really throw tantrums, listened and obeyed directions very well, and was a joy to be around. Now she is constantly screaming, throwing fits about the stupidest things, biting, and is the most unpleasant girl ever!

Last night and today was pretty typical of the last couple of weeks so here it is:

Bed on Tuesday - 8:15 pm
woke - 11:45 - went back to sleep after about 20 minutes
woke - 1:35 - went from sleep to screaming bloody murder instantly and it took almost 2 hours to get her to stay asleep
woke - 5:05 - again instant screaming and an hour before she went back to sleep

Woke for the day - 8:03
Nap - 1:10
Woke - 2:30 - tried for 20 minutes to get her back to sleep but no luck
Bed - 7:40
woke - 9:40 - went back to sleep after 30 minutes but has been making noise (moaning or soft crying) every 5-10 minutes for almost an hour now.

The NWings are getting more frequent and longer and I am not getting much sleep at all. DH has a very physically demanding job which he starts early in the am so I can't rely on him to get up with her very it is all me. I have tried pain medicine (tylenol, motrin, both, teething gel/tablets) and everything else I can think of. Nothing seems to make any difference. She also seems to be getting a cold, but it is just a super snotty nose so it might also be teething. Is this just our new normal until the teeth break through? Or does it sound like there might be something else going on?
Brittany, Kaylee 7/22/09, ^Cadence^ 8/3/11 (stillborn with T21 at 34.5 weeks), Alexis & Courtney 8/28/12 - Read about our little family at

Offline georgeo

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Re: Is this typical of teething canines or is something else going on?
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2010, 07:00:34 am »
With such a snotty nose and the waking up screaming I wonder about an ear infection. Big hugs to you...teething is no fun. I think we're getting the two year molars here and am REALLY looking forward to them being done! How was lo with the other teeth?

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Re: Is this typical of teething canines or is something else going on?
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2010, 15:45:54 pm »
it sure sounds like your LO isn't feeling well - be it teeth or otherwise.  the moaning and fussing in her sleep sounds a lot like illness which for us is often precipitated by some EW. 

how old is your LO?   is 8pm-8am your target night?  if not, i wonder if you could push bedtime to closer to 6:30-7 and see if that helps a bit?

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Re: Is this typical of teething canines or is something else going on?
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2010, 16:04:51 pm »
Lol honestly, our target night is 7:30-8:30......but it usually ends up being 8-8:30. We have been putting her to bed earlier and some nights she sleeps in until her usual 8:30 and others she wakes up after 12 hours exactly.

I hadn't thought about an ear infection! Hand me the bad mom award today lol! I will see what I think with my otoscope and probably take her to the doctor if I don't see anything.

She has been a fast bad teether. The teeth come in fast and for a couple days we would get EW and maybe one day with a short nap. 3 of her molars actually weren't bad at all, the last one was a ugly bleeding mess though. All I can hope is that if this is the canines they come in as fast as possible.
Brittany, Kaylee 7/22/09, ^Cadence^ 8/3/11 (stillborn with T21 at 34.5 weeks), Alexis & Courtney 8/28/12 - Read about our little family at

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Re: Is this typical of teething canines or is something else going on?
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2010, 16:06:34 pm »
the canines were miserable for us - probably the worst ones.

hoping you get sorted out soon!

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Re: Is this typical of teething canines or is something else going on?
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2010, 16:17:15 pm »
That is exactly how the canines were for us.  :(  Horrid horridness, the worst sleep DS1 ever had.  So I would not be surprised if that is your issue, especially seeing as how she is normally well behaved and a good sleeper.  It's the same for my DS1, if he is waking or behaving badly I know something is up!  But definitely rule out ear infection as well.  (((hugs))) hope that if she is teething it happens fast for you, it took forever for us!  :P
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Re: Is this typical of teething canines or is something else going on?
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2010, 03:05:25 am »
After her waking, moaning, and crying until 11:30 last night she slept through the night until 6am when she woke, screamed for a minute, and went back to sleep before I got to her, and slept until 8! It was so great to get a few hours of sleep.

I am pretty sure the first canine either broke the surface today or is about to. She wouldn't let me touch it (which is a first because she usually LOVES me brushing and messing with her teeth) but I could see it right there. That seems really quick from the first day it started really bothering her to today.....I think it was Christmas Eve that she had the personality change.

I can't decide if I want a break between teeth or if I just want all four to come through as soon as possible.
Brittany, Kaylee 7/22/09, ^Cadence^ 8/3/11 (stillborn with T21 at 34.5 weeks), Alexis & Courtney 8/28/12 - Read about our little family at

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Re: Is this typical of teething canines or is something else going on?
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2010, 03:07:12 am »
I can't decide if I want a break between teeth or if I just want all four to come through as soon as possible.
Well, I don't think it's up to you to decide!  ;)  But I always prefer to get them all over with as soon as possible.  :P
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Re: Is this typical of teething canines or is something else going on?
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2010, 03:24:22 am »
Very true! Lol, I guess I should have said that I don't know which I would like better. I think it would be easier to just get them over with too.
Brittany, Kaylee 7/22/09, ^Cadence^ 8/3/11 (stillborn with T21 at 34.5 weeks), Alexis & Courtney 8/28/12 - Read about our little family at

Offline georgeo

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Re: Is this typical of teething canines or is something else going on?
« Reply #9 on: December 31, 2010, 04:16:42 am »
I hadn't thought about an ear infection! Hand me the bad mom award today lol!
  I wouldn't feel bad about that.  DH is getting a bit tired of me saying...."Maybe he has an ear infection."  According to my mom I always got them when teething so keep worrying that DS gets them as well.  Luckily he's only had one.  Hope she's feeling better. 

Offline BareFootMomma

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Re: Is this typical of teething canines or is something else going on?
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2011, 04:11:45 am »
Ugh. Things got better for a couple days and then last night was one of the worst we have had with her EVER! She was literally up crying (with short breaks) from 12:45am to 4:20am. There was maybe 15 minutes of sleep in there, but for most of it she was up. I am proud to say that DH and I stuck with PD/WO the ENTIRE time, and I only seriously considered letting her sleep in bed with us once!

In the morning, after deciding NOT to sell her on Ebay, Dh noticed what appeared to be a large spot of dried bloody drool on her sheets. It is about twice the size of her head, and is about 1/3 blood and 2/3 drool. I am a little freaked out, but am hoping it is her teeth?? Has anyone had their LO wake up in a puddle of bloody drool when teething? One of her canines looks like it may be through, but I can't touch it to check for sure.

DH's mom who is a nurse looked at DD's ears and said they didn't look infected to her.

We are armed and ready for whatever comes tonight......I am dreading it.
Brittany, Kaylee 7/22/09, ^Cadence^ 8/3/11 (stillborn with T21 at 34.5 weeks), Alexis & Courtney 8/28/12 - Read about our little family at

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Re: Is this typical of teething canines or is something else going on?
« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2011, 04:50:08 am »
FWIW, Josie's eyeteeth/canines came in one at a time over a period of about 3 months. Took ibuprofen/nurofen at bedtime and another dose around 2AM, along with topical teething gel, to get her to sleep for those 3 months. She learned to sob "Orajel!" thru her 2AM tears....

Then one night she didn't wake, slept thru, and it was uphill from there.